Published: 2004-11-15 10:23:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 77; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 3
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"...And peace was restored unto the Earth,And the Lord, Dog, did look upon his creation and saw it was good as it had once been.
And as the ash settles, Lo, all that remained was the tiniest of dwellings, but around this dwelling the land was already fertile
Thus the cycle was begun again."
Yeah, that passage is mine, all the biblical gear here is.
To me this means:
In the shadow of war, global warming and people not equipped to rule ruling, all that will happen is the Human Race will destroy itself, But I refuse to believe a loving God will allow us to slip into the obscure annals of universal history, someone must be saved, and for this person (or people) to survive, the earth must be regenerated as well, and modest accomodation will keep the ever-present thought of what they've survived there, however just like Cain, there'll be some dodgy DNA passed on so the cycle to war, global warming and fools in charge will recommence, so enjoy it while it lasts people, you only have 50, maybe 60 years left. I intend to live forever so watch your step as you exit the bus at the Pearly Gates.