thewaywardskull — Femme Preg Epilogue

#pregnant #tg #wedding #maletofemaletransformation
Published: 2020-10-31 02:04:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 13659; Favourites: 103; Downloads: 25
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Description I have begun to realize that my inspirations of writing are more come and go than anything. For now on i promise not to gaurentee when these stories will be released. Of course, that also means that the number in which i will come out with on any given week come be more or less than you may expect. I am most definitely excited to release this and the next story though, so i do hope you enjoy the ending to this amazing series that i started based on just one youtube video i watched from BTG's channel, so i hope you do go and check it out. As always, I do not own this photo, it is merely used as an example of the character in this story. You must be 18 years or older to read this story. Hope you enjoy.

   "Girl you are so beautiful in that dress, I can't believe this day is finally here." Scarlet said as she finished helping Brittany get her wedding dress on. After they both gave birth to their children, Brit became close to Scarlet in a way she couldn't understand. Even after what Scarlet did what she did to her, she couldn't hate the woman that Scarlet became, and after giving birth to her child, Scarlet became close to Brit since she now understood what she had done and how much she now enjoyed being a woman, which they both now had in common.

After giving birth to her 2 children, there was a change in the community of the house since Brittany was the first woman ever to give birth to a completely female child. This hasn't happened in the hundred years Mara's species came to earth. Even with all the other women that had conceived that night, none of them had given birth to a female. Brittany was the first, and so Brittany decided to name that child Hope. The other sibling on the other hand was most certainly a futa, dna testing on both children showed this, that each had futa dna in them, but one was while the other wasn't. And so now, Mara decided this required not only more research, but more production. Brittany had no complaints.

And so on their wedding day, Brittany is standing in the mirror next to her pregnant best friend Scarlet, heavily pregnant with Mara's next child (or children). As the months have gone by, the fast reproductive cycle has significantly slowed down. Brit has now had 4 children, both times twins, and both with the same result, A week after the first pregnancy Mara got Brittany pregnant again, only this time, it was 3 months before the babies came. Now at 5 1/2 months pregnant on her 3rd pregnancy, she believes this one will be 6 months. "Brit, i can't believe you're already on your 3rd pregnancy girl. You sure you can handle raising all those kids?" "Coming from you Scarlet? You already on your 7th pregnancy and you ain't no where being done having kids." "Yeah, but it's my job to get knocked up on fantastic cock. You could do anything with that insanely smart brain of yours and yet you choose to get pregnant all the time and raise kids." "And that is exactly what makes me happy. My kids and Mara are everything to me. I love having all this knowledge but it doesn't make me happy. Being their mom and soon-to-be wife makes me feel loved and cherished and that is something i want to do for the rest of my life." "Ok Brit, I'm just saying..." "It's time girls, you both ready?" The wedding director asked. "Yeah, Georgia, we're ready." Scarlet said, grabbing Brit's arm and whispering in her ear saying "Lets go make you an honest woman."

Mara stood at the end of the beech wearing her black suit with her best friends standing behind her as her best 'women'. The entire house was there watching but to Brittany and Mara, the only thing that mattered was each other, and as the beautiful bride walked down the isle, staring into Mara's eyes and watching her smile, a joy and a peace came over her heart. She knew this was the woman she would be with, and have children for the rest of her long life. But as she made it halfway down the isle, a very familiar hand grabs her finger, and Brittany looks down to see her beautiful daughter Clarice grab her hand tightly to help her balance, filling Brittany's heart with utter joy. She was growing up so fast, but Mara says thats mostly likely because Mara's species develops faster than humans reaching adulthood at 13 years old in human years, but because she is Brittany's child too, she'll be more likely in the middle with her other child already looking like a 3 year old than her sister's age.

Even with Clarice holding onto her hand she continued to walk straight toward Mara until she stood face to face with Mara, as Scarlet grabbed Clarice and brought her back over to her other sisters in the front row. Everything was perfect from there on out. The vows were beautiful, The ring exchange was gracious, and as the minister said "you may now kiss the bride" the crowd of people cheered and shouted as Mara swept Brittany out from her feet and landed a beautiful kiss to Brit. Even as pregnant as she was, Mara lifted Brit into her arms and carried her outside to the reception where an amazing outdoor setup was waiting for the brides to dance, eat cake, and enjoy the best day of their lives. Brittany never thought this would be her life, but thinking back on everything that happened, she had no regrets. She was proud to be a wife, a best friend, a sister, and most importantly a mother. She was happy, and she wouldn't change a thing. And they all lived Happily Ever After.

I know this took a long time to post, and i hope you all enjoyed the series. I will be posting the entire story on Fictionmania for those who would like to read it from beginning to end in one setting. thanks for reading and have a happy halloween!
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