tehleth — The Road

#chinook #fallout #madmax #stalker #theroad #thebookofeli #endzeit #gasmask #postapocalypse #postapocalyptic #rusty
Published: 2021-03-28 19:42:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 1748; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 7
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Description Post apocalyptic road with some rusty car wrecks, helicopter action and a bad-ass soldier. Inspired by games like "Fallout" & "S.T.A.L.K.E.R." and movies like "The Road", "The Book of Eli" and "Mad Max".


Car Wreck 1: www.deviantart.com/ahsan306/ar…
Car Wreck 2: www.deviantart.com/daddyhoggy/…
Car Wreck 3: www.deviantart.com/bogstock/ar…

Chinook 1: www.deviantart.com/redherc46/a…
Chinook 2 & 3: www.deviantart.com/redherc46/a…
Chinook 4: www.deviantart.com/paddysaurus…

Soldier: www.deviantart.com/phelandavio…

Gas Mask: www.deviantart.com/corneredrin…

Road: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…
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