team — Focus Artist: Mikiko-Art (DeviantArt)

#anime #artist #focus #interview #mikiko #style #artistinterview #focusartist
Published: 2022-06-17 00:29:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 62993; Favourites: 136; Downloads: 0
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Description Our current Focus Artist mikiko-art reminisces about their early days on the platform, and how their perspectives on art have changed over the years.

Have questions you'd like to ask Mikiko? Leave a comment for their upcoming AMA (ask me anything)!
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Focus Artist AMA: mikiko-artDiscover challenges, tutorials, and more! Follow team on DeviantArt., ,,June 21st we'll be hosting an AMA with our June Focus Artist, @mikiko-art! Leave your questions for Mikiko in the comments below, and then stay tuned as she answers them!!Ask Your QuestionsWant to know more about Mikiko's character design skills? Curious to hear what it's like to make comics? Or just want to know more about her commissioned piece for the month? All of these are spectacular questions! Just ask them below!Follow AlongAnnouncement Poll 1 WIP Mood Board

Want to know more about the Focus Artist Program? Follow mikiko-art 's work throughout the month as they create a new piece of art!
Learn more:
Announcing DA Focus Artist: mikiko-artWatch @team for more incredible content every week! Discover art tips and tricks as well as contests and challenges packed with prizes!, Announcing Mikiko-Art,DeviantArt: FOCUS - JuneJun 7, 2022Hello friends, it's Mikiko. I'm super excited toWe're very excited to announce the Focus Artist for this month, @mikiko-art! From hilarious mini comics that shine a hilarious light onto the everyday, to more narrative pieces like the emotional jam session that is "Crash and Burn," Mikiko's insight and experience will surely make this month's Focus absolutely incredible! Wondering how you should start this month? Watch @mikiko-art, follow @team, vote in this poll, learn about Mikiko's process in creating a mood board, and check out Mikiko's folder of great resources and tutorials!,What's a "Focus Artist?"The Focus Artist program grants a behind-the-scenes glance at the process behind the art. Every artist and their process is different, so hopefully through this program you'll learn some techniques and philosophies you can apply to your art journey! Over the month, the Focus Artist will create a piece, and share along the way. Through different polls, WIPs, AMAs, and more, you'll be able to be a part of the project, and connect with some of your favourite artists.Previous Focus Artists include @briannacherrygarcia (My Little Pony) and @oh8 (Skullgirls)!Your ThoughtsHow have you enjoyed the Focus Artist program so far?Have you ever made a comic?What is the newest thing you've learned about art?

Other videos:
 - Focus Artist: Mikiko-Art (Style)
 - Focus Artist: Mikiko-Art (Family + Art)
 - Focus Artist: Mikiko-Art (Discipline)
 - Focus Artist: Mikiko-Art (Comics)
 - Focus Artist: Mikiko-Art (DeviantArt)
 - Focus Artist: Mikiko-Art (Focus)
 - Focus Artist: Mikiko-Art (Mental Health)

Full Video + Subtitles: youtu.be/RRRiqmjGgNI
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Elalederomo [2022-06-17 05:14:20 +0000 UTC]

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