Supermoi — Brothers Part 9
Published: 2011-04-17 02:42:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 595; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 3
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Description Sparklings meet the Guardian

Three tiny figures had crawled their way through the halls of the Nemesis when no one was looking, and found themselves many very interesting spots to explore and play into. The Constructicon's medbay, the Stunticons large quarters, the energon storage bay... All playgrounds for little hellions that were bored and mischief makers. But in the ends, they found himself falling asleep in a heap on the very last spot anyone would ever think looking for them in: inside one of the large energon cubes' storage unit used to ship energonto Shockwave on Cybertron.

The reason why everyone was out at this time was simple: a battle with the Autobots was raging on and the Decepticons were gathering as much energon as they could. The next shipment of energon for Shockwave on Cybertron was due for the next day and couldn't be delayed. And the triplets were /supposed/ to be under Octane's watch as the shuttle was still healing from the last battle, but... Well, the mech had never been great at attention span and his attention had been drawn... somewhere else. Namely his stash of illicit cyertronian Adult Literacy... (yeah, Cybertronian read porn too XD) SO the triplets sliped easily under his radar and went on ther journey through the Nemesis that ended with them curled in recharge inside an energon crate ready to be shipped to Cybertron.

And their parents were both unaware of the fact, and in too much a hurry to check the crates one by one before sending them all to their home planet. Not to mention that Megatron was pissed beyond words as they had only gathered half of what this raid was intended to bring them in the first place, thanks to those accursed Autobots! And Starscream and him had been arguing on the entire trip back and were still at it when they landed on the Nemesis's platform, bickering and sharing insults and harsh words.

The other decepticons were trying to make themselves scarce, when those two were in /that/ mood, you didn't wanted to be even remotely involved! SO as soon as they were back inside the ship, the only mech remaining within earring (or throwing) range of the two leaders was Soundwave and he looked less then pleased to have to interrupt them.

"Lord Megatron: Energon shipment due in 2 cycles."

He thought wise to take a step back out of range when he said that, and he had been right when Megatron snarled at him for the interruption and almost punched him before remembering who he was dealing with and cooled a bit. Starscream used that opportunity the spit a last heated insult in his bondmate's way and crossed his arms glaring darkly. Megatron choose to ignore him and focus on his TIC instead.

"Yes, Soundwave, I know! Add the energon we managed to gather today to the shipment and prepare it for transportation to Cybertron. Shockwave will be pleases to have this and we can't delay it further."

SOundwave nodded and left to go on with this task right away. he could hear the /happy/ couple resume their dispute when he left and Starscream's increasingly screechy tune meant that Megatron was pushing all of his most sensitive buttons. He sighed and shook his head, wondering how they even managed not to kill each others at this point. Their tempers were way too fiery to safely mix together but... They had managed to create three sparkling so... they must be doing /something/ right.

He shook his head and went on his work. The shipment was ready in time and he never, ever saw that in one of the crates, three tiny seekerlets were soundly asleep before sending the energon to Cybertron...


Shockwave thought he was going crazy...

He had received the energon from Earth a cycle earlier and he started to ear... things soon after it arrived. Maybe there was a virus or a contaminant on the crates? Something that affected his senses? He had made a quick scan of his own systems but found nothing out of the ordinary...

*chirp, click, chirp*

There it was again! Those sounds! It was getting unnerving and tiresome for the usually stern Guardian of Cybertron and he again checked his audios. And they were functioning at 100% capacity...

*coo chirp chirp click click click!*

He started to look everywhere then, under the consoles, behind the computers, in every nook and cranies of the tower until, almost driven mad by the constent eluding sounds that seemed to be coming from 3 different spots and never the same, he heard his comm beeping insistently. He composed himself and answered. He was surprised to a very anxious and even... distressed Megatron on the screen.

"My Lord, how can I be of assistance? I received the shipment -"

"It's not about the shipment! Well, maybe, but it's not the point! I lost something very important and it may have gotten to Cybertroin with the energon! Did you found anything unusual with the energon in the crates? Like... sparklings?"

At this he blinked. Sparklings? Why would /sparklings/ be sent on energon crates?...

*click chirrup coos CLICK CLICK!*

He jumped, this time the sounds were all three at the same spot and... under his comm console?

"Just a moment my Liege."

He bent down and disappeared from view. There were some shuffling and a surprised exclamation, then the Guardian straightened up again and he was indeed holding 3 mischievious seekerlings in his arms.

"Are those who you were looking for?" He asked while the sparklings happily reached for their father's image on the screen. the relief in Megatron's expression was obvious and he visible relaxed.

"there they are... We were worried sick about them." His expression then hardened some and he hissed. "I know a shuttle that'll be very sorry very soon. I'll come to get them myself Shockwave. Just... don't take your optics off them until I'm here. They tends to slip under the most watchful optics."

The screen went dark and Shockwave found himself with a harmful of bubbly sparkling. Watching them proved to be... most tiring. He learned that the two others always use the opportunity of their caretkers being busy with one of them to slip away and make trouble. The next half a cycle was the longer the stoic Guardian had to endure... And he wasn't a young mech, far from it! He just had close to no experience with sparklings.

WHen Megatron and Starscream finally stepped out of the space bridge, he was more them relieved to leave the sparklings in their care. Starscream almost snatched them from his arms and cuddled them with clicks and coos. The guardian stared and shook his head, giving up trying to ever understand seekers. They were way to volatile...

"Thank you SHockwave. You will be rewarded for this someday..." Megatron said and put a hand on his most trusted Lieutenant's (ex-equo with Soundwave if he was honest with himself) shoulder.

When they were gone, with the sparklings, and the silence fell again on the deserted fortress, the stoic Guardian couldn't help but feel a little pang of regret. The sparklings had been trouble and full of life but now that they were gone again, the fortress seemed colder and emptier than ever before...

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