styleforever22447 — A Price To Pay by-nc-nd
Published: 2012-07-21 01:33:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 135; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 1
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Description              "To vomit is to come clean… To purge is to prepare for healing," I whisper into the porcelain bowl before me.

             Gazing past the rim I see the water flowing gently, its sloshing waves making my stomach churn. In a moment it can all be over, this damnable fullness gone- empty. I know this and so does my body, which reacts just as it should. My stomach heaves and spasms, my head jerks in a shaking motion- shaking no… But I press on. After three forced gags it all goes easy, the reflexes take over and soon enough the green olive pizza and can of soda are four full toilet flushes away. Finally the toilet washes clean and I stand up, stare into the gleaming mirror and smile- body trembling, throat burning, eyes spilling over with tears. I am empty. I can feel my mind flooding with euphoria, it taking the hollow place evacuated in my gut. The following hours will bring a drunken state of trembling, cramps and a sore throat, but isn't that a small price to pay for happiness?
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