SpinosKingdom875 — Knuckles Miniseries Premiere

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Published: 2024-04-27 00:12:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 12748; Favourites: 191; Downloads: 0
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Description Today, the new Knuckles miniseries has been released. It follows the Red Echidna as he trains Sheriff Wade Whipple to become a strong warrior. Tikal and Rouge came by to binge-watch all the episodes. Tikal brought some Chaos with her. Tikal: Hello, Knuckles. Knuckles: Hey there. I see you brought some friends along.

Tikal: Yes, they're really excited about the new show about you. Knuckles: Well, not just me. Wade will also be in it, as he learns the way of the Echidna. Rouge flew up and landed beside Knuckles. Rouge: Hello, Knuckie. Knuckles: Hello, Rouge. Rouge: I've heard that this little show is out today. I hope you don't mind if I join you two, do you? Knuckles: Yeah, you can join us.

Tikal: Why is the Master Emerald covered up? Knuckles: Oh, that's for a couple of reasons. It's to keep its glow from blocking the screen. Tikal: Oh, that's good. But it's not like one of us would steal it. Knuckles: Well, you can never be too careful. He looked at Rouge. She scoffs. Rouge: Who, me? Why, I would never! Knuckles: Hmm. Well, this is only a precaution, in case something happens. He picks up a bowl of popcorn.

Knuckles: Anyway, Popcorn? Tikal: Oh, thank you, Knuckles. Rouge: Mmm. Don't mind if I do. Two Chaos fought over the Popcorn. Tikal: Oh, please don't fight my little friends. Knuckles: Yeah, there's plenty for all of us. Rouge: Aww. They look cute when they fight. Tikal: Knuckles, what screen are you talking about? He went to pick up a flatscreen. Knuckles: This! Tikal: Is there a way to power it. Rouge: Yeah, there are no outlets out here, unless you use your emerald back there. Knuckles: No problem. This model has a long battery life, so we'll be able to watch all the episodes. Rouge: That's good. Tikal: If you say so. Well, let's settle in and watch the show.

Later. Everyone sat on the stairs watching a floating TV called the Hover-vision. One Chao sits on top of Tikal. Tikal: You got a good view. The Chao nodded. Tikal: Now be careful up there. Rouge eats popcorn. Rouge: This is good stuff, Knux! Knuckles: Thanks. Tikal: May I have some, please? Knuckles: Sure. Tikal grabs a hand full. She gives one to the Chao. Tikal: Here you go. The Chao begins eating. Rouge gave another Chao popcorn as well. Rouge: Would you like one? The Chao nodded. Rouge: Here, It's good. The Chao ate in delight. Rouge: Aww. You're so adorable! They watched the miniseries in full as Movie Knuckles Train Wade Whipple to become a strong warrior!

(NOTE: Don't re-upload my pictures anywhere without my permission, please. Thank you.)


Knuckles the Echidna: (C) Sega & Sonic Team.

Logo made by: ShadowNinjaMaster.


Angel Island: SAB64 .


Knuckles and Chao:  SpinosKingdom875.

Rouge: Sticklove .

Tikal: SAB64 .



Angel Island: SAB64 .


Master Emerald: SAB64 .

TV, Popcorn and Drink: SpinosKingdom875

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