Sorianumera — 2021DEJ_12 Tie

#cusack #elven #elvenmale #handsomeguy #inspection #johncusack #military #sciencefiction #sewell #tie #rufussewell #elvenguy #draweverythingjune #adorkastock #dej2021 #draweverythingjune2021
Published: 2021-07-08 22:00:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 426; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description This is part of the Draw Everything June 2021  held by amazing AdorkaStock   

I really like it that Basha is so much smaller than Lishka. It is not funny to have Lishka as your Boss. 
He's strict and sometimes unfair. And Basha is an exemplary agent. Nevertheless, the overseer always finds something to complain about.

This is another version of Basha and Lishka. 

The reference picture for this was:

I mirrored it and changed height difference between the two persons. 
Facial reference for Basha is inspirering John Cusack.
Facial reference for Lishka is wonderfull Rufus Sewell. 

Basha and Lishka are part of my shortstory LUUN. 
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