SongoftheBlackWolf — The Humble Dandelion

#dandelion #floral #flowers #spring #yellow
Published: 2019-11-02 23:16:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 182; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description My favorite flower of all; the humble and much maligned Dandelion.  I have seen this tenacious week growing in cement cracks, blooming in January and growing where nothing else will.  You can pull them, step on them, even burn them, and they come back anyways.  These cousins of Lettuce and Asters and Sunflowers, is a great source of Vitamin C, Calcium and Iron.  The entire plant is edible.  The roots for tea, the leaves for sautees, and the flowers for desserts.  Most people don't notice the delicate beauty of the flower head, which is actually several flowers.  Take a close look at the details of the anthers and individual petals with their serrated tips.  Bright, sunny and happy flowers of spring, Dandelions are God's way of giving dignity to weeds.
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