Published: 2016-07-20 06:49:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 623; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 0
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►► Basic Info
• Name - Soul Tsuki
• nickname(s) - Lunar,BirdBrain
• Age - 19
• Gender - Male
• Height - 5"11
• Region/City Origin - Johto,GoldenRod
>> SubClass - Sky Trainer
• Sexual Orientation - Hetero
• Relationship Status - Taken
►► Gym Info WIP
► Battle quotes-
• Open dialogue -
• Crisis dialogue - ( a small quote when losing ) "Hey watch it or I'll send you my bill!"
• Defeat dialogue:
- (said after winning)
- (said after losing)
• Gym Typing - Flying
• Region - Kaiholo
• Gym number - 7th
>> On Hand Team <<
Pokemon: *Staraptor (Male)
nickname: (does it have a name? if not then please put "n/a" )
Level: 44
Ability: Reckless
Move set: Brave Bird, Double-Edge, Close Combat, U-Turn
Item: Choice Band
Pokemon: Skarmory (Male)
nickname: (does it have a name? if not then please put "n/a" )
Level: 47
Ability: Sturdy
Move set: Stealth Rock, Spikes, Roost, Whirlwind
Item: Leftovers
Pokemon: Gliscor (male)
nickname: (does it have a name? if not then please put "n/a" )
Level: 49
Ability: Poison Heal
Move set: Toxic, Earthquake, Roost, Protect
Item: Toxic Orb
Pokemon: TalonFlame (Male)
nickname: (does it have a name? if not then please put "n/a" )
Level: 51
Ability: Gale Wings
Move set: Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, Swords Dance, Roost
Item: Sitrus Berry
Pokemon: Noivern (Female)
nickname: (does it have a name? if not then please put "n/a" )
Level: 49
Ability: Frisk
Move set: Draco Meteor, Hurricane, Switcheroo, Focus Blast
Item: Choice Specs
►► Personal Info
• Personality (at least 5 or 6 listed in bullets and/or small descrip)
-Objective oriented
• History/Back story - (at least a paragraph)
• Like(s) - Reading, research, meditation, soft music, quiet, isolation
• Dislike(s) - Loud rackets, people who get near heart cuz he yandere (srs dont touch his gal or he make u mal)
• Family - Heart (waifu)
>> Friends
(add a small sentence or two of their thoughts of the person in question)
- crush
- respect
- friend
- love
- acquaintance
- close friends
- hates
►► Trivia (optional)
- He's a Eugine/Morty but for Lugia ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Normally almost mute but will be aggressive
Art by AuricIcarus
Pokémon, characters and locations mentioned © GameFreak, Creatures Inc., and Nintendo