shapetales — Informal Introduction | RoF

#arpg #illustration #tokotas
Published: 2023-02-22 20:16:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 3408; Favourites: 90; Downloads: 2
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Description Rof collab with the lovely TintedGreen <3
They did sketch and BG and I finished off with lines colors and some detail and lighting!
This was so much fun! Character focused stuff takes alot outta me tho haha

Nazir's and Eli's first meeting is basically Nazir sneaking up on Eli to rob him ... 

Import: Sari 63496  & Nazir
Import: Mesa 50600  & Elias

RoF - Option one
+ 10 Handlers
+ 10 Tartok Foothills

INSTAGRAM:  www.instagram.com/illulinchi/
WEBSITE: irenehuang.com/
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YOUTUBE:  www.youtube.com/user/Singarl
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