SciafratiDeviant — Shadows/Reflections [🤖]

#blackandwhite #dreams #minimalistic #photography #photoshop #psychology #reflections #shadows #surrealism #surrealphotography #eerieatmosphere #aiartwork #ai_generated_art #midjourney
Published: 2024-03-06 13:25:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 533; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 1
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Shadows/Reflections is the title I gave to this serie of b/w artworks, the complete collection includes around 120 images, if you are interested you can go to my website sciafrati.com

Shadows/Reflections, it's a journey inside the mind, where shadows become manifestations of unconscious thoughts, atavistic fears, like the thoughts before the sleep that slowly blur with the beginning of the dream, a sleep often populated by nightmares.

The faces are covered, the features are blurred, misty like the presences of the dream.

Unknown places are cloaked in flashes of familiarity, because they are the memories of dreams: fleeting, nebulous, we seem to remember being in a specific place of our past or present, but when we try to remember the details we realize that the details are all wrong, sometimes with surprise, sometimes with terror.

They are fragments of dreams cloaked in shadows, in which it is our eye that draws the details, or only imagines them. 

And logical thinking flee, as the dreams are fleeing, and the shadows.

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Comments: 1

jeffdoute [2024-03-06 22:26:49 +0000 UTC]

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