SasamochiGabisu — Boitata

#anime #brazil #characterdesign #chibi #doodle #drawing #fanart #firesnake #folclore #folklore #mitologia #mythology #oc #originalcharacter #sketch #snake #boitatá #mitologiabrasileira #folclorebrasileiro #brazilianfolklore #lendasbrasileiras #brazilianmythology #braziliancharacter #art #juroquevi #mitologiaindigena
Published: 2021-11-17 13:16:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 1800; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description Hi everybody! Today I'm bringing you Boitatá. It is perhaps the only non-humanoid folk figure I have drawn so far. It is a giant fire snake, over 15 meters tall, and like Caipora and Curupira, it is a protector of the forests and animals. It is an entity of the forests, but also of fire (In my booklet, Boitatá was chosen to talk about illegal burning, for this very reason). The legend of Boitatá varies throughout Brazil, some believe that he is, for example, a bull.
"Boitatá is also known as "Fire that runs". Its name is of Tupi-Guarani origin where boi means "snake" and tatá means "fire". Boitatá is an indigenous myth used to name the episode of will-o-the-wisp, which is an inflammation of gases. Legend has it that the Boitatá is a great fire snake that disguises itself as a flaming log and burns those who try to burn the forests. Some say that looking into its eyes, in its original form, makes a person blind and also crazy.
Curiosity: Although represented as a fire snake, due to the variation of the legend according to regions, in Santa Catarina it is believed that Boitatá is actually a bull with a giant eye on its forehead."
So that's it, I hope you liked it! I chose blue for the color of Boitatá, precisely because the phenomenon of will-o-the-wisp generates a bluish light. Tomorrow it's Saci's turn, so keep following the saga! See you soon <3
(Don't use my design for shifting, roleplay or fanfics. Do not repost without permission!!!)
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