SaintYak — We Are Venom !!!

Published: 2014-07-15 06:31:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 1872; Favourites: 48; Downloads: 0
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Description Origin

Venom is of a race of alien symbiotes that are formed from a thick, liquid, organic material. They, as their symbiotic nature suggests, depend on other beings to help them sustain their life force. In exchange for this relationship, the symbiote offers great powers to its host. Unfortunately for the host, the symbiotes are not keen on the idea of separating and eventually start to fully consume both mind and body of their hosts. Removal of the symbiote is often only possible through the usage of strong sound waves produced from intensely loud and sustained noises.


The idea for Venom came from Randy Schueller, a reader, and was bought by Marvel for $220 under the direction of then editor in chief Jim Shooter . The designs for the costume and character came from Mike Zeck and Todd McFarlane .

Character Evolution

The symbiote itself is sentient and has chosen different hosts through the years. Its first was Spider-Man. Eddie BrockAngelo FortunatoMac Gargan , and even Ms. Marvel  and Red Hulk  have acted as hosts for the alien symbiote, as well as Ann Weying  (Eddie Brock's ex). The current host is Flash Thompson .

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