Published: 2021-10-26 02:47:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 13655; Favourites: 132; Downloads: 2
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With a maximum length of 34 feet long, and a height of 13 feet, the Schopianorator towers over all other Chaotosuchians. Because of their stupidly strong forearms and tendency to run bipedally, Schopies are the apex predators in the Plains of dust. Their brown and orange coloration let's them blend rather well with the desolate brown and orange habitat. They have broad shoulder which allow a powerful gait, and awesome stance, making them impossible to stagger or knock over. The only tried and true method of defending against a schopy, is a cannon. And even then, schopies are very agile and would probably dodge the ball.During mating season, Schopy males get super aggressive and have been known to scale fortress walls to attack the residence.
Favorite meals include but are not limited to: Humans, Ibexes, jackals, Thur sandworms, Sunder beasts, sand lions, Proboscaenodons, smaller chaotosuchians, and low flying wyverns.