RidersOfME — Khan 233

Published: 2022-06-15 22:22:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 1356; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description Name: Khan 
Census ID: 233
Owned by: Anonymous-Shrew
Age: Adult
Gender: Male

Rank: Untrained
Primary Specialty: Hunting
Secondary Specialty: 


Build: Lean, muscular, heavily scarred. His shoulders are the widest part of his body. 

Personality: A passionate, emotionally immature, and doggedly loyal young man. He can hold a grudge for all eternity and he guards his heart fiercely out of worry that he will be hurt if he doesn’t, but beneath the tough surface his love runs deep and could lead him to the ends of the world. He has an unwavering desire to go places where very few humans can go, even if those adventures lead him deep underground, up the tallest mountains, or into murky aquatic depths.    

History: Not much is known about Khan other than his childhood was filled with pain and suffering, which has forever made its mark on the life story he is destined to live. He was raised in a small town erected around a temple on the continent of Ehiasall, where he was occasionally allowed to accompany his father to Tseten Thaye to trade. At age 16 he left home to try and make a better life for himself, stealing the town’s treasured sword from their temple and joining a group of scrappy bandits that were easily impressed by his mediocre skills, but he would soon move on to doing bigger and scarier things for a much, much more dangerous man.  

Design by: Anonymous-Shrew
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Comments: 3

RidersOfME [2022-06-15 22:23:16 +0000 UTC]

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RidersOfME [2022-06-15 22:23:10 +0000 UTC]

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RidersOfME [2022-06-15 22:23:05 +0000 UTC]

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