RaifanZell — Denizen of the Dark sketch

Published: 2019-02-28 21:22:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 118; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 0
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Description A humanoid entity that dwells in the dark world, emerging from tunnels that appear out of nowhere, she speaks an alien tongue, but also projects her concerns so that those who don't understand may have some kind of clue as to what she speaks of. 
This nameless woman appears before Krystie throughout her travels in the dark world, warning her of the many hostile shadows that will attack on sight should she continue with her expeditions.  
It is uncertain if this entity means well, or if she has an objective and that Krystie is unknowingly a key part of her plans. 

    Hello DA!
If you're wondering why there's not much to go on with "In a Dark World", 
It's a story I only had a slight dream of and I have spent more of my time with the bigger stories that I already have fully pictured in my imagination, while this story itself is still only tiny fragments and maybe a few visual scenes that I've made out.  The dark world itself hasn't even been prepared and I've not yet begun to explore all the ideas that surround the discovering of an entirely different world, or better yet, that world possibly having anything to do with the world Krystie came from, there may be others seeking out the dark world, or vice versa.  It's a low priority idea, but every now and then I feel I should try to add something to it to remind people that the idea is still there and someday I'll come around to doing more occasional add-ons to this project. 
I haven't even thought up any of the color schemes for the characters I have produced (so far, there are three I've shown and two more I'm still trying to draw up.) I'm hoping sometime in the future, I'll be able to fill out these areas as I myself am interested in seeing where this idea takes me and I'm sure there may be someone else out there who is interested as well.  

I know I'm always bouncing around, but I hope you continue to enjoy anything I do come up with and hopefully 
I'll finally finish at least two of these projects I've been solely working on, as I've spent most of my life simply coming up with ideas and have hardly ever finished a single thing, not from lack of trying, mind you. xD

And with that little rave, I'll see you again soon.  ( °u°)7
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Comments: 1

Felipe-Rodrigues [2019-02-28 23:41:05 +0000 UTC]


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