pullingcandy — Project Educate: Tutorial Tips
Published: 2012-11-04 20:29:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 2497; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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Cosplay Week

Project Educate: Tutorials:

Sometimes, you have an idea, and you just don't know how to pull it off. Below is a short selection of tutorials to help you get on your way! From vampire, to werewolf, to zombie to just plain how to make fake blood and scars, this should be a good resource starter place!

Fake Blood:


Latex Tutorials:

Mature Content





Odds and Ends:

edmontonsurfclub , a freelance amature makeup artist, lent me some sage advice on creating something out of nothing:

-There are no stupid projects. All work is good work regardless of how dumb you think it is.

-If your just getting into the game, people will probalby have more money than you so you have to know more than them. Read everything you can. Knowledge let's you do cool stuff for cheap.

-Smile! Always be optimistic and have a can do attitude. Never bitch about deadlines or project specs.

-Panic Now. Relax when you are done two days ahead of schedule.

-If you can't be technical, be awesome. If you can't be awesome, be technical.

-Everything looks better after a nap.

-Get a pint glass, put three ice cubes in it. Two shots of vodka then half Red Bull, half cranberry juice.

With this attitude, he manages to make some pretty great zombies:

There is so many resources, and so much to read about when you start delving in to horror special effects. The key thing to do though - have fun!

Welcome to Horror/Macabre Photography Week!
A Brief History of Horror
Project Educate: Suggesting Horror/Macabre Daily Deviations!
Project Educate: An Interview with Anathema-Photography!
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Comments: 1

pwassonne [2012-11-04 22:10:07 +0000 UTC]

I thought this was a tutorial on how to make tutorials xD
But it isn't. :/

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