Published: 2007-06-17 17:34:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 27890; Favourites: 683; Downloads: 355
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As beautifully summarized by the apostle Paul in his letter to the Philippian church (Philippians 2: 5-11).Done for my mum (our Chinese congregation's youth pastor) who's going with a short-term missions team to Cambodia. She'll be preaching on this passage and the comic will act as a visual aid to help the people understand the passage better. : )
+ + +
Am really thankful to God for letting me work through this technically-3-day project (urg... 5 am....... 5 am......) . It's been a thoughtful journey... and my first proper attempt at doing a complete comic...
Yes I know it's only one page. We all have to start somewhere, ya? >u<
Among many things, I've been quite concerned when it came to drawing Jesus. I was afraid of not being able to
1) draw him accurately/recognizably.
2) draw him such that his personality would be seen, and it won't just look like a flat drawing.
I'm amazed at how some artists are able to portray Jesus' characteristics so believably. Just glad I had some pictures to analyze before doing my attempt of a dear person I've not seen before with my own two eyes! hee....
Well, he's been gracious to me, allowing me to draw him quite successfully not once, but 7 times! ^.^ *wiggles with gladness*
All in all, this comic isn't about the beauty of the artwork. It's about delivering a truth that matters, not only to me, but to people all around the world.
I hope this would be part of a (future) multitude of visual aids to help people understand who Jesus Christ really is... with no misgivings or misconceptions... so that they may come to realize just how much Jesus loves them... and come to love him too.
I would try to explain the excerpt... but that would take 2 x Bible studies. XD
cheers! thanks in advance for ur thots!
I gotta go pack for camp now XD hahah... will be aways for 3 days~ aaaaaaaaaah~~~ mini-vacation~
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Comments: 341
amazinghero [2010-07-24 05:57:08 +0000 UTC]
it's Beautiful, just beautiful. I'm a Christian with a short temper when God isn't respected. You captured my soul with this drawing. Christ said to love each other, and I love you for this.
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Mudblood-Princess In reply to ??? [2010-07-13 13:04:01 +0000 UTC]
Your artwork is lovely! And the message and the to-the-point flow of the page work really well together.
I genuinely hope this helps your mother touch hearts for Christ in Cambodia! And may she have a safe trip there and back again!
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Clover31 In reply to ??? [2010-07-13 10:27:02 +0000 UTC]
wow! this is REALLY nice! lol i was just reading this chapter too, what a coincidence....
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Spirit-Inspired In reply to ??? [2010-07-13 08:27:23 +0000 UTC]
Really amazing! Praise our Lord Jesus!
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DanileeNatsumi In reply to ??? [2010-07-13 06:58:35 +0000 UTC]
I know how you feel about drawing Jesus. I'm always afraid that I could never draw Him well enough or accurately. I however, think you did a very great job at it. Excellent job.
I love how you transformed such Biblical works into a comic. very creative and inspiring!
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PsychedelicMind In reply to DanileeNatsumi [2010-07-13 12:27:21 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the thoughts and encouragements :3 i guess to combat the fear of not drawing him properly... we gotta... draw him more XD hope there'll be more opportunity to do that~
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DanileeNatsumi In reply to PsychedelicMind [2010-07-13 21:40:02 +0000 UTC]
-nod- indeed so. Hhaha, you're more courageous than I am!
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mkp2008 In reply to ??? [2010-07-13 06:32:14 +0000 UTC]
This is fantastic. Beautifully drawn out.
And I love your style. :>
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
KinnisonArc In reply to ??? [2010-07-13 05:52:26 +0000 UTC]
This is very amazing. I like it ^^
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kaiomutaru25 In reply to ??? [2010-06-03 10:50:46 +0000 UTC]
may the Lord's holy faith be upon you for many years
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TillDeathDies In reply to ??? [2010-05-20 20:27:17 +0000 UTC]
This sounds cheesy, but I cried when I read this. I was already really emotional about something beforehand, and this really tipped me over the edge. Thanks so much for the experience.
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ShabahSaz In reply to ??? [2010-05-01 21:38:49 +0000 UTC]
Amen, my friend. Love this pic. Great job!
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ashleyjordan In reply to ??? [2010-04-20 03:29:14 +0000 UTC]
Wonderful example of such a meaningful verse, it is a great way to spread the word and God's love
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knightcommander In reply to ??? [2010-03-23 18:28:14 +0000 UTC]
Instant fave.
Viva Cristo Rey! Long live Christ the King!
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Sapphz [2010-03-05 23:58:08 +0000 UTC]
Every knee shall! And so shall mine!
*bows and kneels*
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TrainxEve-Fan In reply to ??? [2009-12-03 00:55:06 +0000 UTC]
Jesus is indeed awesome.
Also, let me say I love the angel standing behind Jesus in the last panel, playing the tambourine. His face is pure win.
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CielCiella [2009-11-23 08:15:14 +0000 UTC]
very awesome! may all the ppl around the world discover the truth!!
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mistyofmyheart In reply to ??? [2009-11-16 18:49:39 +0000 UTC]
i find this amazing, i belive that if you keep your heart focased on God he will keep doing amazing things in your life. thank you for standing up for Jesus! it would be awsome to see comic books of the bible
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sam-chaos2368 In reply to ??? [2009-11-07 03:16:08 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful and true as all get out. Stunning work.
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Lars-Dagger In reply to PsychedelicMind [2009-10-13 07:08:34 +0000 UTC]
you're Very Welcome ^__^
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ChatteDange In reply to ??? [2009-10-03 20:37:56 +0000 UTC]
*hugs you* Kudos on putting this up, keeping it up, and not getting too horribly bogged down by all the...interesting...discussion going on. There is a time and a place for religious discussion, but I don't think it's on someone's deviation, unless they ask for it.
I love it very much. I'm in a spiritual hole at the moment (my first actual crisis of faith) and seeing something like this done so well does my heart good. Merci beaucoup. ^^
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Gyzmo-Grim In reply to ??? [2009-09-02 02:31:15 +0000 UTC]
you know what's odd? That I seem to understand more about the bible than most. The bible says to understand/ to learn about christ, not just to follow blindly. Unfortunity, not every one understands what is written.
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favianee In reply to ??? [2009-08-13 15:22:09 +0000 UTC]
Great stuff Lindy! Stuff like this needs more exposure.
Check out:
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Yuka007 [2009-08-08 19:01:01 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful! I love how you put People from around the world in the last section. God bless!
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BlOnDeWiThABrAiN In reply to ??? [2009-08-08 05:08:20 +0000 UTC]
Beautifully done=] The message is simply put and easy to understand and the artwork is marvelous=] You can really see the kindness and humbleness in Jesus' face, which I consider a great accomplishment since I lack the skill to draw stick figures successfully. My creative mediums are words, which I like to think I wield quite well. I could be wrong, of course=]
Bottom line, my little unprofessional opinion is that you did a fabulous job and should continue.
God Bless!
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joshthecartoonguy In reply to ??? [2009-08-03 20:43:17 +0000 UTC]
Good for you for posting this. It's the whole gospel message on one page.
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