Oscillum — Psychara's Inktober - Day Eighteen

#asianwoman #buddhism #hinduism #naga #nagi #serpent #tibetan #egyptiancobra #psychara #dayeighteen #biracialwoman #serpentcreature #inktober2019 #divinentity #indian
Published: 2019-11-26 14:56:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 467; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description ....Serpent Creature - Nagi/Naga

New as of 18th October 2019

The Nagi, the feminine version of Naga was designed to incorporated Eastern and Southern Asian cultures and appearance, as both Hinduism and Buddhism share the belief of the demi-deity, or divine entity which can either be a god or goddess taking the serpent-human hybrid form, or they are of their own status. Because of the East's view of the snake being of wisdom, the nagas and nagis are worshipped and reknowned with respect. 


Inktober concept (c) Psychara
Concept (c) Oscillum
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