#highway #interstate
Published: 2016-09-02 04:01:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 233; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 2
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King Berry was known known to every Lilliputian as King Berry the glutton. King Berry got this name not for being known to be a pig when it came to eating. Granted a lot of people and aliens found King Berry horrible when it came to Lunch and Dinner with how he shoved things in to his pie hole.But King Berry got his name the Glutton from when Berry would under take very large and expensive projects that costed billions of dollars and did a lot of damage along with had little to almost no benefits to the bulk of the Lilliputian population. Such as Berry building a 900 foot long personal yacht that costed the kingdom 600 million dollars. Lilliputian dollars are equal to US dollars if not more pure dollar considering Lilliputians don't keep their feet on the printing presses like the United States fed does.
But King Berry's all time most self project which King John the Chain Smoker the King before King Berry started was the King only lanes. The King Only Lanes was a system of personal set a side lanes in major Lilliputian streets and limited access freeways were the King and his royal court would drive on and not the rest of the Lilliputians. This was shown to show of the power of the King. But King Berry turned it into the most morbid public waste project in Lilliputian history. In that King Berry built a thirty mile four lane expressway as Lilliput's castle's driveway. And when this giant driveway left the castle grounds of Lilliput Castle. King Berry oddly avoided flattening a low income neighborhood. But instead bulldozed a 150 foot wide right of way right though Diamond City's most expensive neighborhood.
This even reached a point were several muti billion dollar CEO's and Celebrities found their once fifty million dollar mansions now being along side a four lane highway that no one really used. That was in till Prince Lotto opened a section of it to relive the bursting at the seems bladder of Diamond City suburban traffic on it. So now every Monday and Tuesday Lilliput's most richest people found their homes along a jammed packed ten lane wide expressway.
The castle is based off of a vectored photo by tfuruhashii.deviantart.com/