Normanexeter — MBB Tails 002

#fractal #fantasy #fantasyart #parameters #mandelbulber
Published: 2022-08-24 09:54:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 1749; Favourites: 40; Downloads: 3
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Description MBB Tails 002
Mandelbulber   #Tails_Challenge Challenge
My Fractal art. Made by me with MANDELBULBER
Please click to enlarge. Click/tap on my name to see all my posts

# Mandelbulber settings file
# version 2.28
# only modified parameters
background_color_1 d600 cc00 b300;
background_color_2 3700 af00 ff00;
background_color_3 ff00 0000 0000;
basic_fog_color d600 cc00 b300;
brightness 1.5;
camera -3.31995275540356 3.35177099686079 0.730541135851475;
camera_distance_to_target 4.83682166461594;
camera_rotation -135.13266543076 -17.4598811964875 -179.398592857761;
camera_top -0.204216182093117 0.220042642385521 -0.95387472264617;
constant_DE_threshold true;
DE_factor 0.5;
DE_thresh 0.00125;
detail_level 2.96296296296297;
DOF_min_samples 11;
DOF_monte_carlo true;
DOF_samples 800;
file_background G:\PROGRAMS\BACKGROUNDS\BEHANCE\2.jpg;
flight_last_to_render 0;
formula_1 254;
formula_2 252;
formula_start_iteration_2 2;
formula_stop_iteration_1 10;
fov 5;
gamma 0.65;
glow_color_1 ff00 0000 0000;
glow_color_2 aa00 5500 ff00;
glow_enabled false;
glow_intensity 6.4;
hdr true;
hybrid_fractal_enable true;
image_height 1080;
image_width 2048;
keyframe_last_to_render 0;
light1_intensity 1.1;
light1_is_defined true;
light1_rotation 0 0 0;
light2_color ff00 0000 0000;
light2_intensity 1.3;
light2_is_defined true;
light2_size 0.25;
light2_visibility 4;
light3_color ffff ffff ffff;
light3_intensity 1;
light3_is_defined true;
light3_position 0 0 0;
light3_relative_position true;
light3_target 0 0 0;
light3_type spot;
light4_color ffff ffff ffff;
light4_intensity 1;
light4_is_defined true;
light4_position 0 0 0;
light4_relative_position true;
light4_target 0 0 0;
light4_type directional;
mat1_coloring_speed 1.16;
mat1_is_defined true;
mat1_surface_color_gradient 0 ffffff 999 d9ff03 1999 ffffff 2999 5eb561 3999 ca6200 5000 e09785 5999 b86d60 7000 e4934f 7999 e4ce86 9000 af0000;
N 4;
target -0.0649420283974997 0.0816516397294779 -0.720688815771871;
textured_background_map_type flat;
view_distance_max 14.2541455010125;
beta_angle_offset 90;
transf_function_enabledC_false true;
transf_function_enabledP_false true;
transf_function_enabledSw_false true;
transf_function_enabledx_false true;
transf_function_enabledy_false true;
transf_minimum_radius_0 0.2;
transf_offset_000 0.29375 0.29375 -0.3;
fold_color_difs_0000 2.2 1.1 0.7 0.8;
power 18.2;
transf_function_enabledM_false true;
transf_function_enabledO_false true;
transf_offset_000 0 0 0.75;
transf_offset_05 2;
transf_offset_p01 0.64;
transf_offsetA_p01 0.22;
transf_offsetB_p01 0.14;
transf_offsetR_1 8;
transf_start_iterations_Zc 5;

Entry for Mandelbulber challenge
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