NeoOllice — Orange Piccolo (Dragon Ball SF)

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Published: 2022-11-13 02:17:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 3710; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 0
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Description Orange Piccolo (オレンジ・ピッコロ Orenji Pikkoro) is an extremely powerful transformation that is an evolved form of the Potential Unleashed  state used by Piccolo introduced in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.

When Piccolo asks Shenron to unlock his latent potential, the Dragon gives Piccolo a "little extra". Piccolo taps into this form for the first time during his battle with Gamma 2. It is said that this form gives Piccolo power that rivals even that of Goku.

In this form, Piccolo becomes taller and bulkier, his pupils become red, gains black pigments around his eyes, his skin becomes orange (a dark orange on his arms), his antennae point sharply upward (as opposed to downward like in previous forms and his base form), and he maintains the lack of lines on his arms from his Potential Unleashed state. This form also causes a change to Piccolo's facial features, making his cheekbones more pronounced and his jawline more chiseled. The symbol of Namekian pride initially appears as a light orange glow above his gi before being branded onto the back in white color. The eruption of his ki is so intense it resembles a massive fiery geyser.
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