Published: 2013-12-03 19:52:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 555; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 3
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So this is what my other pic 'Sherlock Ink' was to go towards.
As I wrote on my last pic, i was originally trying to emulate a similar style to the Guy Ritchie film adaption end credits of Sherlock Holmes. However, after playing around with a few things I found that this kind of style worked much better. I followed a similar pattern when creating Moriarty and obviously used on of the stills as a starting point. The two character images were made as separate photoshop files and then i inserted them into the book and adjusted blending modes as well as curves to get them to look right. Then it was a case of adding ink, tea-like stains etc.....finally, the text is from Arthur Conan Doyle's 'The Final Problem' where Holmes discusses Moriarty's brilliance.
Think that's me done on the Sherlock front....i'm going to try and get back in to actual drawing from scratch again as i'm finding a lot of the stuff i'm doing is a tad too similar!