MrNoski — General White - Dragon Ball

#dragonball #white #generalwhite
Published: 2017-12-23 15:36:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 1196; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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General White was the chief of Muscle Tower in the Northern area of the world. He was one of the highest ranked officials in the Red Ribbon army. He was strong, but relied on weapons to fight, so no were near martial artists like Goku.

He was looking for a dragon ball in that area and using villagers for that. He had kidnaped the good mayor of the village and was keeping him as a prisoner. Goku went to the tower looking for the dragon ball and he rescued the mayor with the help of android 8. Some of his fighers were the Murasaki ninja quintuplets, Sergeant Metal and the monster Buyon, all beaten by Goku.

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