Mitche27 — animated siggy tutorial part.2

Published: 2012-03-29 04:34:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 1182; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 22
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Description Long time no post and finally classes are over~ Hello Summer Vacation!!! I’ve promised this tutorial a long long time ago~ sorry for taking too long~ the thing is I’m really slow in making tutorials ( and this is my 1st successful attempt *I guess!!! ~ They take a lot of time and preparation compare to doing BG images which I can squeeze in my schedule easily~

Since it’s my first time go easy on me okey~ tell me If you have questions or errors on my tutorial~

Software used:
Adobe Photoshop CS5 (no more no less)

see part1: [link]

Tutorial based on:
[link] (but he used ImageReady for this one)

Outcome Image:

*Images are taken from Photobucket so I don’t really know who the original artists were~ most deserve credits are given to their rightful owners~
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