MisticUnicorn — Dilemma

Published: 2014-12-09 07:33:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 1664; Favourites: 110; Downloads: 0
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Description ©2014 Sarah B. Seiter - Do not use without permission - Colored Pencil/Watercolors - Original on Illustration Board

I will let it speak whatever it will to you...

Drawing and painting are like therapy to me. If I am stressed or worn out art revives me and gives me strength to continue despite all that may be going on. For a long time I have suppressed this need since I have so many other things that need to done and because taking the time for myself feels selfish. This time in a moment of extra stress though, I paused in my long list of "have to dos" and I allowed myself to paint this. I just set my mind free and began with no particular direction in mind. This is the result. Though it may be strange and I am not sure what exactly my mind was thinking... I feel much better now  

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Comments: 11

Observer14 [2016-04-24 01:34:56 +0000 UTC]

based on your journal note, I know I'm taking a significant step back in time here, and I understand just a tiny, tiny bit of the context in which you are creating.  I love the style you have created here, with the almost deer like eyes and shape of her face.  The antlers seem perfectly fitting for her, as do all the various different keys.  Interesting that the lock is in her head.  It makes me wonder what she is thinking, and which of the many keys might unlock her dilemma...   

Beautiful work.  I know I've seen so many examples of art being freeing (in myself and others), especially when we are stressed, tossed about and pressed on every side.  It's wonderful to be able to let ourselves create, especially when we *don't* know exactly what or why we are creating something.  It doesn't have to be terribly deep or meaningful.  It just is.


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Eidolon1 [2016-03-31 13:35:51 +0000 UTC]

Very imaginative.

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tolkienmithril [2015-07-27 03:22:21 +0000 UTC]

Your work is absolutely amazing. I could study this for hours and never fully appreciate all the nuances. Right now I am really trying to learn shading and this is a great example to study.

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KizzyAnel [2014-12-13 20:51:40 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful - I love so many elements of this piece and they come together so well.

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Jerzee-Girl [2014-12-11 02:19:07 +0000 UTC]

This is fantastic!  You are an amazing artist!  And, yes, drawing and creating IS therapy!  Happy creating to you!

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silverbeam [2014-12-10 07:45:43 +0000 UTC]

you know that would be a cute set of dolls... one with a key hole them, one with the key theme, for a interesting pair...

Love the dynamic of this one. Makes me wonder what the connection to keys and locks to the nature theme with antlers and elk?

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bear48 [2014-12-10 02:38:29 +0000 UTC]

sweet job

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intranceman [2014-12-09 21:30:17 +0000 UTC]

just fantastic. 

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OrangeLetters88 [2014-12-09 18:10:27 +0000 UTC]

You have a beautiful philosophy with art! This is beautiful!

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pearwood [2014-12-09 17:19:00 +0000 UTC]

There is no single key to the complex and beautiful Sarah.  

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Hawkheart29 [2014-12-09 15:00:41 +0000 UTC]

I get the feeling this pic is meant to be symbolic and not literal, but I can't help but think of someone literally using one of the keys to unlock her head (opening her skull) and gaining access (physically, as in being able to poke, prod, and touch) to her brain. [shivers] Creepy.... 

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