MinxyNinxy — Aqura

#oc #halfbender #avatarthelastairbender
Published: 2015-01-12 08:39:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 454; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 0
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Description okay so i was bored and went looking through my old art books and found and old OC i made at the beginning of 2013 XD hahahah god

Name: Aqua
Age: 17
Gender: female
Species: Human/half bender
bending: fire and water
Eye Colour: green/blue
Hair Colour: brown
Fave colour: white like snow
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Sexuality: straight
Love interest: Zuko (dont judge me!! i was 14 when i drew this and made her story)
Relationship status: single until i finish writing the fanfic XD hahaha
Friends: Misty,Katara, Toph, Aang, Sokka, Suki and Zuko

Likes: snow, going on adventures, learning new bending moves, eating, sleeping, swimming, funny jokes, reading, drawing

Dislikes: fire nation, everyone that makes fun of her, fighting with her friends

personality: energetic, full of life, strong, hopeful, bright, smart, sneaky, adventures

i dont remember much of her story all i know is her parents where a fire bender and a water bender and before Aang became the new avatar and Aqua was even created, the avatar blessed her mother which lead to Aqua being able to bend two elements, when she was born her parents both died protecting her, later the next morning young Katara found her crying in the cold snow which Katara called her father and then yeah she become their adopted sibling

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Comments: 1

AdentheCaringOne [2015-05-07 23:04:15 +0000 UTC]

So cute!!!!

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