marshalia147 — Bio: Julie the Echidna

Published: 2024-05-02 21:12:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 685; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 1
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Description Name: Julie the Echidna
Nicknames: J, Jules
Age: 16
Gender: Trans female (AMAB)
Weight: Unknown
Height: 3' 7"
Fur: Pink and lavender
Eyes: Purple
Skin: Tan
Birthplace: Westside Island
Current Residence:
  • Mobotropolis
  • Freedom HQ (base of Freedom Fighters)

Species: Mobian echidna
Alignment: Good
  • Kingdom of Acorn
  • The Freedom Fighters

Favorite Food: Apples
  • Working out
  • Firearms
  • Bikes
  • Horror movies
  • Dark comedy
  • Apples
  • Dark colors

  • Evil
  • Suffering

  • Cybernetically enhanced strength
  • Marital arts skills
  • Acrobatic skills
  • Hover-cycle riding skills
  • Extreme Gear skills
  • Weaponry expert
  • Marksmanship
  • Gliding
  • Climbing skills
  • Digging
    • Background: Julie was born as Jacob before she transitioned during her time at Knothole Village. Her parents, Simon and Floral, hailed from the Twilight Cage. Wanting a better life, Simon used marauder technology to transport him and his wife to the prime zone and immigrated to Westside Island, where they had Julie. Julie lived a peaceful life with her parents until Dr. Eggman attacked. Julie's childhood home was burned to the ground. While Julie was badly injured, Floral was unable to make it out alive. When Simon brought the badly injured Julie to Knothole Village, she had half of her body replaced by bionic parts. While in Knothole, Julie largely avoided by her peers. The only other person her age she interacted with was Bunnie, who also needed parts of her body replaced by robotic parts. And it was through Bunnie, she eventually came to befriend. the group of children that would become the Freedom Fighters. Aside from hanging out with her newfound friends, Julie would also receive training from her father just before his passing. Despite her grief, Julie would join the Freedom Fighters to fight Dr. Eggman and the Eggman Empire.
      When she first came to Knothole, Julie was a very shy and insecure prior to her transition. Julie was also in shambles after her mother's death, leaving her bitter and angry at the world. But as she came to befriend the Freedom Fighters, she began to finally cope with her current circumstances and although her anger issues never really went away, she became less angry overtime. Following her transition, she slowly became slowly confident in herself. In the present day, Julie is an echidna of few words. Although she's tough on the outside, she's a caring person deep down. Because of her father, Julie is also a very disciplined individual. She also has a sense of humor about her. Julie is very much a goth girl in spirit. She enjoys horror movies and is a Halloween enthusiast. --- Julie(-Su) has got to be one of my favorite Archie Sonic characters and it pisses me off how much her character was butchered. 90% of her personality is Knuckles. Nuts to that. Also the whole echidna naming system was just dumb to me. I was heavily inspired by this redesign of Julie. Julie's "bangs" were inspired by :iconGoodBadRobotGirl:'s Julie-Su redesign . Julie's boots were inspired by 's Julie-Su redesign and her jacket was loosely based on 's Julie-Su design .
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Noeggets [2024-08-15 08:05:18 +0000 UTC]

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