LucaLucyAIAdopt — (open) AI_adoptable #839 [🤖]

#ai #adoptablesopen #ocadoptables #aiadoptable #ai_artwork #ai_art_gallery
Published: 2023-10-17 05:18:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 679; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 0
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 This adoptable made by AI, Midjourney!   

Please purchase via adopt feature button!

After purchase, buyer gets a full resolution (1344x896px) without watermark.

 No refunds after purchase   

I won't make any edits, so what you see is what you buy!

You can edit, resell, gift, anything you want!

I will put purchased adoptables in my storage, to protect buyers.
Please make sure to download the character files after buying my adopts.

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