LoRd-TaR — Pokemon OC 1 by-nc-nd

Published: 2012-09-08 07:32:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 704; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 18
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Description Basic Info

- Name: Tar

- Age: 11

- Gender: Female

- Height: 147 cm.

- Weight: 35 kg.

- Skills: good liars.

- Skill-less: being polite. (she can do it, but couldn't hold more than 2 minutes.)

- Personality: Impatient and not detail-oriented, quick-tempered and hot-blooded. Probably tend to calm down and forget more easily. What she doing is follow on emotions than reason, super sensitive but act like she is strong, and always do like a boss.

- Like: competition, freedom, playing, anything excited and fun.

- Dislike: rules, losing, sickness, selfish people

- Extra Facts: Totally flat chest.

- More Info: Her parents already death, they fight with the means people that making money by torture pokemons show, but they lose and got killed. Tar escaped from them with her bigbro they've live together she always have a plan to revenge but it fail after her bro death by sickness. She realize.. no money, no doctor, no life, no everything. She hate money so much, and being like ' If money is really important..I will take it all!! ' Recently, she live alone in her secret cave under waterfall in the deep woods.

- Goals: Destroy all of means people life by take all their important things away.


Pokémon Team

(click the name to see their info)

Ditto (Genderless) / always out of the pokéball.
Tar's first Pokémon. Once day she came back to the cave and found all her lunch she prepared on table were gone. She's really mad then she feel strange with one chair she walk to it then grap that chair. ' Show ya true self then I'll forgive youuu.' she said. Then that chair was transform to Ditto, it face look like wanna say sorry and plz forgive him. ' Oh, you have an awesome ability doesn't you? ...be my slave now! and I'll forgive you!! '

Magnemite (Genderless)
Tar keep an eye on one rich old man, she don’t know the name, but all she known is that old man making money by cheating. She try to find something that important to him to take it away from him. Until she found that old man in the cellar he force Magnemite give electricity for whole day into his products and all in electronic things in his house. Free electricity for whole life and making money with this free pokemon. If Magnemite stop he will let ground pokemon hurt it. (Magnemite weak to ground-pokemon.) Tar’s really mad so, she helped Magnemite out of there and burn old man’s house, and burn all paper money. After that she asked it if it wanna join her clan. Magnemite accepted and followed her.

Gliscor (Male)
Tar found Gliscor loudly crying.. she get annoyed so she go talked to it. Gliscor told her his girlfriend was kidnaped by Team Rocket so, she helped it. While Tar try to help his girlfriend from the cage in highland she's slip and fell down, but she immediately catch something and jump down ..she's safe, Gliscor is really impressed with that picture. After that crazy mission completed Gliscor leave his girlfriend like dun care anymore and followed Tar instead. Of course she don't understand why but she glad to have more underlings anyway.

Murkrow (Female) / always out of the pokéball.
Tar met one village near the mountain that village believe Murkrow will give misfortune to anyone who near with them almost of the villager don’t like Murkrow, but she didn’t think anything and don’t care.. she’s think it’s nonsense. In this village always have one Murkrow sitting in a tree and watching people like hobbit that make people who find out scared and go away. It still be like that for each day, while Tar stay in this village she always say 'Hi!' to it. Until the last day she’ll leave from this village that strange Murkrow waiting for her in front of the gate. ‘ Wanna go with me? ’ she asked.

Gible (Female)
Tar was super hungry and don’t care anything right now if something it can eat she will eat it. Just a sec she found one egg sitting alone in the woods it seem no one care… she kept it for her dinner, while she’s prepared to cook 'fried pokemon egg' (lol) it hatched from an egg by accident. Little Gible is in front of her face that’s really surprised. She decided to take care of it until it could live by itself.

Rayquaza (Genderless)
Tar have a plan to have one awesome pokemon like Rayquaza for long time, just imagine how cool if she have?! After Rayquaza get tired it may come to rest on the ‘Sky Stairway’ …she’s waiting for it but fail when she know it went to ‘Embedded Tower’ instead, she followed the map and found Team Rocket try to captured it before her! How dare they!? So, she fought with Team Rocket and with Rayquaza’s help everything back to normal again then she just remembers she want to capture Rayquaza too. Fortunately, it doesn’t know her first plan and think she came to help it. They’re be friend, and Rayquaza came to be her pokemon afterward.


Tar © *LoRd-TaR
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