Lord-Lavrahtheen — Original Species: Seaguana

#creature #fantasy #lizard #marine #monster #oceanic #reptile #creaturedesign #fantasyanimal #monsterdesign #originalspecies #seamonster
Published: 2022-09-16 15:04:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 8391; Favourites: 221; Downloads: 0
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Description Seaguanas are a type of marine lizard, similar to the Marine-squama. Both species come from separate lineages but have evolved to utilize the same habitat: the seas and oceans around Arcadia and Elysium.

However, unlike their greenish-blue counterparts, the Seaguana are adapted to live in much deeper waters. Their counter-shaded coloration helps them blend in with the surrounding water and thus avoid most predators. In addition to that, along with a thin layer of blubber, the dark coloration of their back aids in regaining heat when they come to the surface or on land in order for the sun to warm them up. Scholars theorize that as time goes on, these reptiles might develop a much thicker layer of insulating fat, thus making them more fit for the deep sea environment.

For now, these lizards still need to come up to land (in between escapades for kelp and other water plants) in order to warm up...and to lay their eggs. Their massive arms aid them in that moving on land, in which case... well, they aren't very graceful.
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Comments: 3

Baryonyx62 [2022-09-20 22:06:47 +0000 UTC]

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oj1001 [2022-09-16 18:55:19 +0000 UTC]

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Leal001 [2022-09-16 15:23:22 +0000 UTC]

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