LightningTheHedgy — blood wolf Lightning

#blood #lightning #oc #wolf #sonicoc
Published: 2023-03-19 03:57:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 186; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description SoOoOoO in the RP Lightning got bit by a blood wolf- y e a h- it was traumatizing For everyone-
so when someone is bitten they are considered a “new born” and when they first become blood wolves, they nEeD to drink human blood right away, or they start to die quickly, so uH- When Lightning was a new born she needed up feeding off HeR OwN HusBanD- eh hEh- she couldn’t control her hunger though- even though he was fully aware of what she was doing- the instinct took over , even though she would never hurt Ace even it were to save her own life- sO yEaH- it was terrifying for the poor man-
yeah lol
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