Published: 2002-08-22 18:29:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 5603; Favourites: 43; Downloads: 372
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i really dunno what to say.. its really obvious.. dont ya think?its a long exposure shot, that why looks a lil blurred, was really har try to stay static for 2 seconds..
its a long exposure shot, that why the blurryness , the white part is a lamp..
please comment
Note: She is my favourite model, she doesnt smoke, we just set up the scene for the serie of shots.. trying to show erotism , not showing Obvious things.. , and please have a little respect, shes isnt a whore.
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Comments: 104
livingdoll [2005-10-03 21:00:21 +0000 UTC]
Muy buena foto
Transmite el mensaje absolutamente, no necesita descripcion alguna..
Y q este borrosa no es malo.. A mi me pasa lo mismo al exponerlas por mas tiempo, mi pulso apesta. En todo caso esta se ve bien asi.. no se, le da un no se que... ademas, cuando se ha visto q los "drunk" no se muevan? puede tomarse por ese lado tb.. creo..
Bueno en fin. Me gusto
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spoty87 [2005-09-23 04:17:51 +0000 UTC]
this this is good but i like how good your photo manips are they are quite good
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buggaboo [2003-10-08 02:50:59 +0000 UTC]
very sexy. really well done, my only suggestion would be to burn the upper right corner cause its slightly distracting. but other then that, i really love it (:
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unglitteringold [2003-01-30 23:07:05 +0000 UTC]
well, if you don't know all this stuff by now, well, then you're dumb, but I'll tell you anyway.
AWESOME shot. I love the warm lighting, with that slightly dirty feel. I's very sexy.
Nice shot!
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deathbrain [2003-01-22 20:51:16 +0000 UTC]
Arrrghhh this view is great...perfect colors, perspective, angle, etc
This is not only the colors but also environment...i smell exclusive on this one..
D'ohh.. what a great job...+fav
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hordel [2003-01-22 01:50:46 +0000 UTC]
Well man this is one of the most erotic shots I have ever seen.
I simply love the atmosphere and pose!
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sfmoe [2002-11-14 09:49:38 +0000 UTC]
the name is a hoot .... great looking shot though
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dutchgoddess [2002-09-16 18:04:11 +0000 UTC]
absolutely love it, great colours and angle.
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geowulf [2002-09-03 23:13:26 +0000 UTC]
nice shot
My respect goes out to you for taking the shot and the model for making it look good.
of course you gave it away that the model is a "she".. hell, for all we know it could be a man with feminine hands who looks good in fishnet stockings.
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suzi9mm [2002-08-28 19:44:04 +0000 UTC]
yeah ! i like this. the erotic style, yet the title suggesting..., the tecture of the stocking, and way the hand holds the cigarette... it's simple and pretty and mysterious. also i like the black framing. very nice.
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agoni [2002-08-28 14:37:37 +0000 UTC]
excellent......very sexy......great photo add to fav
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linkubus17eh [2002-08-28 03:34:04 +0000 UTC]
nice title hehe...awesome shot though..very sexy
my computer hasnt been working lately..sorry it takes me forever
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crayz [2002-08-24 19:20:35 +0000 UTC]
truly awesome shot and good light - i like it lots
exellence for the eyes !!!
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9877 [2002-08-24 17:32:19 +0000 UTC]
very nice shot, the blur kinda of gives it a drunk vison feeling to it and makes the shot even better
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kbb [2002-08-24 16:27:27 +0000 UTC]
there's more to it than erotism, the hand expresses a lot of feelings... very nice shot
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stupidperson [2002-08-24 09:13:16 +0000 UTC]
i like how you requested a show of respect. good idea
great shot... i like the long exposure usage. it gives the picture a dreamlike fuzzy quality.
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theunruled [2002-08-24 01:29:56 +0000 UTC]
Colours are great, very warm and homy. But the white background really messed the whole picture. And subject of this photo isn't really clear...
and I dislike smoking, and drinking.
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beytence [2002-08-23 20:30:39 +0000 UTC]
thats pretty good. i dont underdstand why any one would think she is a whore. but i like the exposure on this.
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epiphany [2002-08-23 19:01:04 +0000 UTC]
I'm sorry. THis title for the peice just ruins so much for me. It bothers me alot.... otherwise I might have adored this shot.
Sorry =/
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ekoshyun [2002-08-23 18:19:18 +0000 UTC]
incredible shot, the lighting really gives this piece of life of its own... and the stockings really remind me of Moulin Rouge in a way
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nexus7 [2002-08-23 18:19:08 +0000 UTC]
nice shot, smooth, seducative, with relaxing colours. but also i have to agree with some ppl saying tht here in deviantart there is a meaningless tendency to comment on any female shots whether it is a piece of art, inspiring, creative or not. but dear lemut, it isnt for you, it will never be. you are good at wht u r doing, u r creative and beyond those small uncreative minds. so keep on doing, always, without you there would be no inspiration, believe me.
thts all, thank you again for the beatiful shot which is very inspiring
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danny- [2002-08-23 18:10:58 +0000 UTC]
well, and what, that it's blurred?... it's an awesome greatly arranged shot! Sweat!!
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arpad [2002-08-23 16:58:42 +0000 UTC]
Very smooth erotic light, reminds me of french cinema. Very artistic
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ravenpain [2002-08-23 16:31:59 +0000 UTC]
EXACTLY!!!!!!!!! ALWAYS!!!!!!!
Im sorry lemut, i respect you but theres nothing cool about this. Its in the top favs cuz its a womans legs...
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kiwianimeangel [2002-08-23 16:19:19 +0000 UTC]
I agree with audy...there's nothing classy or special about a drunken smoking whore...the colors are cool...but that's about it. Everyone seems to love girls being sleezy on here. *sighs* always a naked/whorish/almost naked girl on the daily top favorites..but hey..what can I do?...
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lamorochia [2002-08-23 15:34:49 +0000 UTC]
100% Sensual
Esta imagen trae a mi mente recuerdos... mas aun el titulo :"Drunk-n-Easy"...
Excelente trabajo amigo chileno
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skoolgirl [2002-08-23 15:15:49 +0000 UTC]
wonderful brillant tones. and great legs. hehehe props to the model for being a good sport. a job well done. You both work very well together.
yippie skippy
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oq [2002-08-23 14:48:15 +0000 UTC]
aaaah... another hedonistic piece on the front page
nice.. but the white are is far too white.. textureless and flat which creates a rather boring impression, especially cornered with a flat black frame
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baital [2002-08-23 14:24:47 +0000 UTC]
I like it....just trying to figure out why you did not try to set the cam in a table or something, so the long exposure would come easier...ยงยฆo)
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draxull [2002-08-23 13:21:34 +0000 UTC]
Uhhh she seems to be hot between hea legs *LOL*
Nice pice, nice pice indeet well done.
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