#blackarachnia #jetstorm #retrax #scorponok #skold #spittor #tarantulas #vertebreak #paleotrex #ractonite #inferno #megatron #terrorsaur #waspinator #beastwarstransformers
Published: 2021-01-31 15:56:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 6773; Favourites: 62; Downloads: 1
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One of two pieces made in anticipation of the upcoming Beast Wars comic courtesy of IDW featuring my personal ideal lineup of Predacons. Clockwise from top left:Jetstorm: Snide, self-centered, and overbearing, Jetstorm isn't very well-liked by his cohorts, but his value in aerial assault is unmistakable. Equipped with air-to-surface missiles and acidic spit.
Terrorsaur: Covets leadership of the Predacons and will attempt to wrest it from Megatron whenever the opportunity presents itself, but lacks the intelligence and forethought to make any sort of meaningful power play and consequently Megatron doesn't take him seriously at all. One of the initial fliers of the Predacons along with...
Waspinator: The chew toy of the universe. If something goes wrong, it happens to him. He's been blown up, crushed, fried, disassembled, and otherwise mutilated more times than he can count (admittedly not a high bar considering his limited intelligence, but still) but demonstrates a sort of superhuman durability that allows him to keep coming back no matter how often he's scrapped. Bemoans his lot in life.
Retrax: The Long Haul of the Predacons. Builds an extensive tunnel network on their orders, but gets no respect for all the hard work he does. He deeply resents them all and often fantasizes about leaving them all to die. (also probably the worst figure in the entire BW toyline)
Inferno: In many regards Megatron's greatest weapon-- incredibly tough, armed with a flamethrower, fanatically loyal, and completely delusional, fully believing that he is an actual fire ant and Megatron is his Queen.
Vertebreak: The de facto leader of the new Fossilizers. She's gotten something of a swelled head from it, and will often order around the other Predacons, confident that the others under her command will back her up and protect her from any consequences. Not very well liked.
Scorponok: Megatron's typical SIC, but frankly not very bright and limited in competence. No one takes him seriously, and it drives him up a wall.
Skold: New character from the upcoming comics. Little is known about her at this point, but this is subject to change.
Megatron: The undisputed leader of the Predacons on Earth. Regarded as a criminal by the Maximals and a dangerous renegade by the Tripredacus council, Megatron is a Machiavellian schemer who will stop at nothing to attain his goal of overthrowing the Maximal government and replacing them with the Predacons, with himself as the head. Has something of a god complex and is exceedingly verbose, yeeeeeesssssss...
Spittor: Dumb thug. Despite his diminutive stature, he'll eagerly pick fights with any Maximal that so much as looks his way, to his continued folly. Contact with his skin, however, can drive a subject to a hallucinogenic state.
Tarantulas: The schemer that Terrorsaur thinks he is. Placed on Megatron's crew by the Tripredacus council as a mole, Tarantulas plays the long con and seeks to undermine Megatron in whatever method he can so that he may profit. The mad scientist of the team, he's constantly tinkering and building devices of incredible power and destructive capability. He has a deep fear and hatred of the aliens known as the Vok, and seeks to destroy them.
Blackarachnia: The resident "femme fatale" of the Predacons. Highly intelligent, but has an independent streak that makes Megatron wary of her. Like Terrrorsaur and Tarantulas before her, she too has her own ambitions, and isn't afraid to tell Megatron off to his face. Underneath it all, however, the Maximal she was reprogrammed from may still be in there, and perhaps the right 'bot can reach it yet...
Paleotrex: The swordsman of the Fossilizers, and a clear sign that Megatron has an obsession with Dinobot and the fact that he left him and the Predacons. Unlike Dinobot he is unconcerned with honorable play, and especially unlike him he is desperate for Megatron's approval, for which he is continually denied, only serving to make him more desperate in a never-ending vicious cycle.
Ractonite: The toughest of the Fossilizers, but also the dimmest. Battle-hungry, enough to the point that he can be easily goaded into a trap. His practical indestructibility is nothing to scoff at, however.
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NickMaster64 [2021-06-26 00:25:48 +0000 UTC]
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