LegendRiders96 — LR: LoL, Episode 4, Page 20 by-nc-nd

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Published: 2023-09-23 11:00:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 3782; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 0
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Listen, I could have drawn a different picture for the magazine. I didn't. And we're just gonna have to be ok with that.

For context, the cover of the magazine is literally just this:   If you notice, this is a July edition and the panel one says June. Maybe it has something to do with the editors strike going on at FINS. Maybe it's cause the magazine is trash.

So this pageeee.... Ugh. This and the previous two were drawn when I was coming out of a veeeeery long hiatus, so they're a bit wonky in quality. That and the top left panel gives me a bit of PTSD from the sheer amount of time I spent staring at it in its unfinished state 

Page 19: 

Page 21: 

Latest page from Legend Riders: Rise of Cassandra:   (Sister comic)

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