lawnmowergoddess — The Eyes of the Beholder

Published: 2016-07-20 01:30:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 250; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Eleanor was afraid. Although Rick said it was just a flesh wound. His face didn't reflect that. He was pale, and drawn, and seemed to be in more pain than a simple flesh wound. He was bleeding and he wouldn't let her look at the wound.

She tried to think of what to do next Her whole life had been focused on her career. She didn't date or party like other girls. She never even thought about boys'/men. Her goal was to become an Astronaut. to “ go where no man had gone before”. And she made it! This mission was the culmination of her life so far.

She and Rick were the perfect team for the 'perfect Mission'

And it was a failure. Not just a failure, but a catastrophe Their ship destroyed, and Rick Injured. They barely made a crash landing, and got out with a few emergency supplies. God it just got worse the more she thought about it. He had told her before the crash that he thought he had finally found “the girl”. He was thinking of marriage. She was so happy for him. She congratulated him, giving him a big hug. He was her friend ,and she wanted the best for him. That was all gone now!

They found a cave that would afford them some shelter . Rick seemed very weak. This was ridiculous! She walked over to Rick and demanded to see his injury. He refused again. “ Enough! She yelled. Show it to me now ! '' He did....... and it was awful. A deep gash in the abdomen very deep! . Oh God no! She offered him medication for pain He just looked at her and said he might need that later. She started to cry, she didn't know what to do for him.

Ever since they had entered the cave she had an uneasy feeling. Like they weren't alone. She made up her mind to look around as soon as she got Rick settled.

She looked up. A man dressed in feathers was watching her. Rick had seen the man too. She asked “what kind of get up is that? Rick hadn't looked away from the man. He said “that isn't a get up. Those are his feathers! “ The man moved into their immediate area. He was rather handsome , when you got used to the feathers, thought Eleanor He strutted. He ruffed up his feathers and started to move stiffly. Not taking his eyes off Eleanor. After a few moments Rick said “He's damn serious!

This aint no 'Welcome Ceremony. This dance is hard work! Those moves are gymnastics”

Smile girl ! Act interested! “ She tried.. “ Oh God, can't you do any better than that?

Come here! Take your hair out of that ponytail.” He started trying to fluff up her hair, pinching her cheeks! “Bite your lips, and lick them . He must have been watching you ever since we got here.

Can't you tell he's doing this for you? . Smile at him Dammit! Our lives may depend on your appreciation of his Birdman display.” More feathered people appeared, leaving the man enough room to proceed with his display. Rick spoke quietly to Eleanor. “I think I get this. He's hot for you. He's doing this to mate with you. You know like male birds dance, and display for females to get them to mate with them. I checked him out, Eleanor. Don't get weird on me, but he's a human male. I looked OK? Get that 'creeped out' look off your face. “ ,

The display went on for quite a while. The Eyes of the Birdman seldom left her face. And if he did look away, his eyes quickly returned to her with an intensity that made her feverish. Rick's coaching continued non stop.”Shut up Rick” He's not dancing for YOU. It finally ended with vocalizing and more energetic feather displays.

Eleanor smiled(broadly) and rolled her eyes. Even clapped her hands. The man approached her . Breathing hard. Rick said “Easy Eleanor”. The man stroked her face. She drew his attention to Rick and his injury. The man pantomimed (graphically)asking if she and Rick were mates. She pantomimed back that they were not lovers. More like brother and sister.

The Birdman knelt in front of Rick and indicated that he wanted to see the injury. Rick allowed him to look at the wound. When he straightened up, he motioned for Rick to be carried outside. He gave Eleanor a very grave look. She pleaded tearfully for his help. Just before they took Rick outside, He stopped them. “Eleanor, I'm sorry , hon. Its just that I thought we were done for. I know that, I'm probably not going to make it. I was worried about you. Leaving you alone . I just wanted you to have someone to look after you. That's all. As Rick spoke to her, Jars of concoctions.,and instruments were readied. Eleanor was ordered back to the cave. She begged to stay, but Birdman was adamant. She reluctantly moved back, and then back further. Rick was given a solution that looked snot to drink. It must have tasted as bad as it looked, from the look on Rick's face. The operation/treatment/procedure took about and hour. Then, there was another short dance

exhibition. Rick was carried back into the cave. Birdman gave detailed instructions to the 'caretakers'. Eleanor wanted to help, but Birdman indicated she was not to touch the patient. (Because she tried to remove the insects that Birdman had used for sutures)

Birdman was very taken with Eleanor He was very kind, and solicitous. He insisted she rest ( in his personal area of the cave) She thought he was a medicine man. He was. But he was also King. So his word was law. There was nowhere else to go. So she stayed with her 'mate' (the Birdman) . When she had allowed him to touch her face, she had accepted him as her mate. (who knew?) .

Eleanor was not pretty.or desirable. She had never attracted the interest of members of the opposite sex, or anyone else , for that matter. But, Birdman was very attracted, and ardent. His eyes smoldered with desire. Eleanor basked, and blossomed, in his adoration. When Birdman agreed to treat Rick's injury, Rick too, was accepted into the community.

The Birdman checked on Rick periodically, and seemed satisfied. Rick improved overnight. He was tended diligently. Eleanor was allowed to spend more time with him as he improved. But admonished not to touch his injury

One day some of the equipment they had managed to salvage from the wreckage came to life. It was the Command Center! They were sending a rescue vessel!

But Eleanor knew something that Rick didn't . She wasn't returning with him. She was staying here. With Birdman and their baby, She coaxed a promise from Rick. He would report Co Captain Eleanor Evans perished in the crash. And that Preliminary results indicated the inhabitants were not suitable for further research.

The agency was more than happy to close the book on the whole fiasco and move on.

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