larrynguyen0096 — The Wolves of Ragnarok

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Published: 2022-10-29 04:20:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 10013; Favourites: 207; Downloads: 30
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Description Cerberus Advanced Long-Range Multi-Role Interdictor XA-01 Hellhound


A large fighter-bomber developed during the Batarian Wars, the XA-01 Hellhound started off as an advanced experimental exoatmospheric recon craft designed by the Terran's Howard Foundation as a private venture project and was completed and further developed by Cerberus, a human-survivalist paramilitary group. The most recognizable features of the XA-01 is the craft's distinctively large angular body which provides stealth capabilities as well as multi-role optimizations for long-range missions, a trait that many Terran Federation and Systems Alliance contemporary strike crafts are lacking. These roles ranged from a superiority fighter, a fleet bomber as well as electronic warfare spacecraft and more.

Because of its large size, the XA-01 is capable of mounting a large ventrally mounted retractable mass accelerator with the firepower equivalent that of an average frigate or light cruiser as well as multi-purpose missiles with both fitted internally. The craft also carry external hardpoints for more optional heavy hitting guided ordnance in anti-surface and fleet combat, albeit at the cost of its stealth capabilities. Additionally, the XA-01 can also carry two MQ-02A "Garm" UCAVs on its wing tips which were often used as combat support units or enhancing the maincraft's flight performance when not deployed. 

The most distinct feature of the Hellhound in comparison to other human-made spacecrafts is its fully armored canopy design with only camera and sensors utilized for external visibility feed. The first two unmanned Hellhound prototypes "Skoll" and "Hati" featured advanced control systems operated by AI cores developed by the in-house Cerberus Skunk Works's AI Research Division in conjunction with Howard Foundation's engineers. On the manned production model, a Virtual Intelligence System is utilized for operating the two combat drone units instead while the main craft comes with an advanced control system called "B.I.N" (Brain Interface Network) which use brainwaves control of the pilot over all the functions of the craft as well as provides information feedback data to the pilot directly to the mind. This greatly increasing their reflex and situational awareness in combat, proving to be far more effective to conventional pilot control systems. The brainwave control system however put a great strain on the pilot's mental and physical endurance, meaning only disciplined pilots with strong mental and physical fortitudes can maximize the system to its full potentials, which lead to a rather selective choice of individuals of psychic traits as Hellhound pilots. This combined with the high cost of developing A.I cores for the unmanned prototypes limit the numbers of Hellhounds that can be built.

Much of the public information regarding the XA-01 existence is largely conjecture from Salarian Special Task Group's findings. Due to its existence as a highly confidential private project, the craft doesn't exists on official Federation military database. The data the STGs managed to find are however leaked information from insider source in Howard Foundation, this has led to speculations  that Cerberus agents have intentionally leaked the information about the Hellhound project to the STGs. While a strong possibility, no actual concrete evidence could be found to support this statement. The XA-01 is nicknamed "Hellhound" because of the moniker of its operator Cerberus and naming schemes of the three prototypes and the combat support UCAV unit after mythical canines - Skoll, Hati, Lupa and Garm in respective orders.


The Hellhound's estimated specifications are as follows:

Length: 28.00 m 
Wingspan: 25.50 m (w.out UCAV units)
Height: 5.43 m
Weight: 26,300 kg 
Engines: 2× Howard HB-01A Plasma fusion turbines
Top speed: >Mach 6 (7,408+ km/h; 4000+ kn)


Made for L4oftheWest Starship Troopers x Mass Effect crossover fic. I do not own either Mass Effect or Starship Troopers IPs, they belongs to their owners Bioware and Sony respectively.

And yes, that is an Ace Combat Zero-inspired squadron badge cover for this render

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Lazor11 [2023-06-03 20:15:37 +0000 UTC]

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warrior31992 [2022-10-30 06:53:52 +0000 UTC]

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SweetieBot3000 [2022-10-30 03:50:54 +0000 UTC]

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Mermanwatch [2022-10-29 15:37:24 +0000 UTC]

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Novacorp93 [2022-10-29 07:22:41 +0000 UTC]

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