#eah #oc #rebel #everafterhigh
Published: 2021-12-02 20:55:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 2058; Favourites: 35; Downloads: 0
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Royal or Rebel: RebelParents: Undine
Story of parents: Undine
Roommate: tbd
Powerful qualities
Kind| Optimistic | Supportive
About Lynde:
Gaining soul from marring a human, almost alien like being to water spirits? No way, that's why i attend Ever after high, to experience human way of life, see what to expect before my story starts, oh and you know, then get heartbroken and misstreared by my friend and lover, to later kill my love with a kiss , you can see why i do not wish for that fate, I'm a free spirit, no story will bind me, but i would love to see Vienna one day for that grand ball.
Secretive heart's desire:
I don't really want to be main character of story, all eyes on me, makes me so nervous, I'm happy to solve your issues, be there as support, but lead? That's not me
My "magic" touch:
As water spirit i can control water, make small protection charms, just few perks of being magical being
Storybook Romance Status:
I am dating one of most beautiful girls at school, both at looks and heart, Graycie Duckling is my happily ever after
"Oh Curses!" moment:
Oh so many, i can start talking over and over when nervous, it works to calm my family, but some of my peers might find it a bit annoying
The most favorite school subject:
Dance class-ic, i enjoy dancing, i feel like I'm rather good at it, it helps my charms be stronger
The last favorite school subject:
Hero 101, i was told to attend the classes due to being a 'prince', but I'm akward with swords, i can't stand high heats (or high heights as well ) and don't like idea of hurting anyone, you can probably find tons of my fairy fails on mirrornet
Best Friends for ever after:
Dan Lindworm and Mershell Mermaid
-Lynde preferred pronouns are They/Them but is used to being called he/Him and is too non confrontal to correct anyone
Ever After High (c)Mattel
Graycie Duckling (c) TetsunoKobushi
Lynde Seabrook (c) Mine