Kibate — RIP Akira Toriyama 3/4

#dragonball #dragonballz #songoku #vegeta
Published: 2024-03-24 11:01:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 2015; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 0
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part1: www.deviantart.com/kibate/art/…

part2: www.deviantart.com/kibate/art/…

part4: www.deviantart.com/kibate/art/…

3/4 Third part of my story on how I found Dragon Ball before actually watching it.


Some of the videos I found were about the fight between Goku and Majin Vegeta. There were many good moments, but the first video I saw was the most memorable to me, for two reasons.
It’s the scene where they are inside a hollow mountain and then attack each other with giant ki attacks, which creates a giant mushroom cloud(with appropiate sound) to appear.
First off, the sound effects, once again, were amazing. The ki blast, that was thrown away by Goku, flying off in the distance, but also the mushroom cloud explosion. Imagine seeing a cartoon of two buff dudes fighting, and then they cause something akin to a nuclear explosion.
Secondly, shortly after watching the videos, I read a summary of Dragon Ball, among other things, gives a description of Piccolo, where it said that he and Kami were once one person and then split into two. Until I actually watched that show, I thought that description referred to these two characters(Goku and Vegeta). I mean, look at them, without context, they seem like they could be a good/evil version of each other, doesn't it?
(to be continued)

The clip in question: youtu.be/NP40hiW9vpc?t=487 (it started at that second and ended after they emerged from the explosion)

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