keokotheshadowfang — OCxCanon Week Day 5: Injury

#shamanking #shamankingoc #taoren #ocxcanon #ocxcanonpairing #shamanicwitch #asakurakikyo #ocxcanonweek
Published: 2023-03-17 18:51:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 1030; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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Description Tend to Injury | Mythology | "Forgive me..."

Day 5 of the OCxCanon week challenge on twitter: twitter.com/ocxcanonweek/statu…

 I had a hard time deciding if I wanted to do this one, or the journey to the west prompt, but since the other prompts was tend to injury and "forgive me," I felt like the Yokai one would be better for this! While the Western one was the hardest compositionally to do, I really struggled with the colors on this one almost to the point where I quit the whole challenge. It was a struggle to feel like I did this one justice, and please don't look too hard on anatomy on this one (or really any of them.) I don't spend too long on that because I knew I had to time myself in order to make sure I had time for the other prompts. But I do like the concept of this one, and maybe one day when I have more time I can revisit and make it look better. 

Related art:
Asakura Kikyo is my character and I did the art
Tao Ren is from the anime/manga Shaman King by Hiroyuki Takei
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