JKoenegge — ~ TUA Hunting Event Halter ~

Published: 2022-10-02 09:10:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 1965; Favourites: 43; Downloads: 0
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Description Did anyone said TUA Hunting Event?  TUA HUNTING FESTIVAL 2022 [OPEN]
Aiming to enter all classes this year  

Horse:  PVS Chocolate Pudding with Whipped Cream
Horse age: 5 years
Handler: Julie Torres
Handler age: 23 
Class: Halter (3+)
Extra image: n/a
Advertisement: www.deviantart.com/jkoenegge/s…
Story: 407 words

It was Chocolate Pudding with Whipped Creams first event ever and it ended up to be one at the TUA Hunting event. As she is not experienced enough yet, Julie decided that it's best for her to enter in the Halter class to gain experience. 

The day of departure Choco was quite nervous as she can feel that something is different. Everyone is packing up stuff and running around the barn. 

She saw that Arrows Chavalier is the first one to be loaded in the trailer. She was a little bit insecure as she doesnt have a lot of trailer training. But the fact that Ace is already inside the trailer made her feel secure. 

After she was loaded, they also loaded Misty Skies, the new Traaker mare. 

As Julie and Casper loaded all the horses in the trailer, they started their journey to Germany. All horses were calm and quiet the whole drive.

After they arrived at the TUA lands, they unloaded all horses and put them in their boxes. Choco was quite nervous as she was never in another stable. At least she had her two friends Ace and Misty, her emotional support horses. 

The day of the halter competition started. Choco was very nervous and Julie could barely handle her to the arena. She got a little bit worried that Choco is going to jump over the fence and run away.

They are next, Choco is nervous and Julie tried to calm her down. Casper brought Ace to be her emotional support. Ace is a very experienced and calm horse who entered many events already and this is his last event so it is perfect to bring him to Choco so he can teach her how to behave in situations like this one. 

Choco seemed to be a little bit relaxed.

The bell started to ring. It’s Chocos turn. 

Julie tried to lead her but there it was - a bird flew away out of the bushes nearby and Choco jumped and wrested off Julie. 

But luckily Julie could catch her and calm her down.

After the event she led Choco to the pastures nearby so she can graze a little bit to calm down. 

It was a very tough event for Choco and Julie is not hoping for a good placing as Choco was so anxious but at least she gained some experience for further events. Next time Choco will do better for sure!

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Art  by JKoenegge  
PaintTool Sai and Photoshop CS5
Hours: ~10 hours
Reference: own

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