jirachicute28 — Chii

#anime #chii #cute #digital #fan #game #heart #kawaii #pichu #pokemon #ribbon #video #videogame #jirachicute28 #art
Published: 2020-03-22 09:08:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 7078; Favourites: 177; Downloads: 17
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Description hola a todos,mi país (argentina)esta de cuarentena debido al coronavirus,voy a aprovechar para terminar algunos dibujos,esta pequeña pichu quiere presentarse  XD

"hola,mi nombre es chii,soy niña y tengo 10 años vivo con mi papi,el es un flareon llamado haru (un secreto,"el antes era un humano" ¿no es sorprendente?) y mi hermano mayor  es el pokemon legendario jirachi (es muy mayor,tiene mas de 1000 años ☉_☉ y era el compañero de mi papi cuando el era humano)sueño ser una rescatadora como mi papi, mi comida favorita es el helado,me gusta jugar con mis amigos y  leer libros de cuentos con olivier (otro secreto:es el chico que me gusta,el es un poco tímido,pero es un niño bueno y siempre me ayuda cuando tengo problemas) no me gustan los fantasmas,ensuciarme el pelo y  ver a los pokemon tristes.mi cola tiene forma de corazón ,mi hermano mayor dice que es un gran misterio,incluso intento usar sus poderes para que mi cola fuera la de un pichu normal,pero a mi me gusta mi colita asi como esta,creo que es muy linda,eso es todo,espero que seamos amigos ^^"

bad english: 
Hello everyone, my country (Argentina) is quarantined due to the coronavirus, I'm going to take advantage to finish some drawings, this little pichu wants to present herself XD

"hello, my name is chii, I am a girl and I am 10 years old I live with my daddy, he is a flareon named haru (a secret," he before was a human "is not it surprising?) and my older brother is the legendary pokemon jirachi (he is very old, he is over 1000 years old ☉_☉ and he was my daddy's companion when he was human) I dream of being a rescuer like my daddy, my favorite food is ice cream, I like to play with my friends and read books of stories with olivier (another secret: he is the boy that I like, he is a bit shy, but he is a good boy and he always helps me when I have problems) I don ' t like ghosts, getting my hair dirty and seeing sad Pokemon. my tail is heart shaped, my older brother says it is a great mystery, I even try to use his powers to transform my tail into of the normal pichu tails, but I like my tail like this, I think it is very cute, that that's all, I hope we are friends ^^ "

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Comments: 5

aspieprincess99 [2020-04-19 12:27:49 +0000 UTC]

Aww! How cute!

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

CJ-DB [2020-03-28 00:48:02 +0000 UTC]

Very cute!

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Eeveeboss [2020-03-22 21:13:37 +0000 UTC]

Alphachu: Nyaa! She's Sooo Precious! *faints from Cuteness overload*

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

kaaslave [2020-03-22 16:08:46 +0000 UTC]

Awww! (hugs her)

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Kurorisupachi [2020-03-22 13:52:16 +0000 UTC]

She is such a cutie

👍: 1 ⏩: 0