Jimmothyda2st — The Man-eater Menagerie: Sankebetsu bear Incident.

#bears #darknight #digitalart #forest #history #snowy #clearnight #themaneatermenagerie
Published: 2024-06-05 01:06:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 385; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description the Sankebetsu bear Incident.
( credit: darktales.blog/2019/09/09/the-… . youtu.be/xy0A2vdSNnc?si=1v7sfg…

this is a harrowing retelling of the incident that occured in Sankebetsu (title), in the winter of 1915 (16,000 Jeffersons ago), Japan (mythical land of weebs an jdm-ers).

The bear first approached a farm in the settlement raiding their corn harvest before being shot, the hunters attempting to track the wounded animal before a snow storm impededed any further progress.

The animal they had just shot was an ussuri brown bear, basically, japanese Kodiak bear. we all know to avoid bears (if your grey matter is still intact and your brain still functions) and generally bears will do the same ( DO NOT TRY YOUR LUCK ).
This bear would then return a number of days later invading the house of the Ōta family, attacking a mother and child while gravelly wounding the child with a bite to the head.

to cut this short, in all the bear killed 7 people in all, injuring another 3 or so. Blood spilleth blood: do not spill it if you do not intend to get yours spilled ( don't shoot a bear over corn).
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