Published: 2015-03-26 20:41:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 63; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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A/N: Wow, this brings me back. Arya Von again, man. This time it doesn't end in death, so that's great! Also, this takes place in a world I made up called Walock. I finally have a use for it. Enjoy!!Water splashed around my feet in The winding Woods. The trees around me were covered in moss, and vines were wrapped around their branches. The bank of the stream was just an outcrop of grass, moss, and soil, like the rest of the ground. A rock was at the end of it, it was the height of my waist and covered in a soft layer of moss. It was also long enough that two people could sit on it comfortably, but today I was alone.
Bird’s cries occupied the warm spring air around me. I closed my eyes, ready to relish this moment, but an urgent thought interrupted my peace.
“What am I doing..” I asked aloud, standing from my perch on the rock. “I’ve gotta get going.” I stepped out of the water, dried my feet on some moss, and slipped my boots on. Then, I took out a map from the pouch that was strapped on my waist.
There was no detail on the Lost Woods, just a blur of green and the words, WINDING WOODS. I frowned and put the map back.
Then, taking my sword from the sheath on my back, and unhooking the shield that attached to the scabbard, I decided that I would explore these woods myself. The sword’s silver blade shone in the bright light and the red gem on the black hilt glimmered. The shield was black metal with silver engravings of the giant clock in Clocktown, my hometown.
I was going to get lost anyway, so why not be prepared?
I pushed a lock of my black hair out of my eyes and advanced towards the path I didn’t come through.
“Hey!” Someone shouted. “What’re you doing here?” I whipped around. On the other side of the clearing was a boy of about seventeen, wearing a green tunic, a green hat, white leggings, and brown boots. On his waist was a belt with pouches, and on his back was a sword and the Hylian shield I had seen in Termina once. His blonde hair was pushed out of his bright, blue eyes. I struggled to remember his name, then realized I didn’t know him, so I never learned his name. Silly me..
I also realized he was really handsome.
“I’m just passing through,” I replied quickly, glancing down and gripping my sword. “I mean no trouble, really.”
The boy approached me, curious. “I have a feeling that we met before.” He remarked.
“Odd, because I haven’t seen you anywhere.” Then why did I feel like I knew him?
“Oh. I thought I knew you.”
“Good for you. I just want to explore here and then get out, so if you’d-”
“I can help you explore.” He interrupted.
“I can’t just accept help from a complete stranger!” I protested.
“You’re right. I’m Link.”
“Arya Von?” He grinned.
Flustered, I frowned. “How’d you know?”
“... A lucky guess. Shall we get going?”
I sighed, there was something he wasn’t telling me. “Fine.”
We turned and walked in step over the log and emerged in another clearing.
“So, where are you from? You don’t sound like a Walockian.” Link asked as we walked through another path.
“Termina. You might not know it.”
“I’ve visited there. Helped stop the moon from falling.”
“You couldn’t have, the giants and Fierce Deity did.” I protested, then stopped, realizing that he wouldn’t have known that the moon had fallen if he hadn’t been there.
“Yes, but I drove back the source.” He reasoned, and once again I realized how familiar he seemed.
I came up with a conclusion as we walked:
This was one mysterious boy, that was one thing for sure, and he seemed to know more than I did on how I felt like I knew him so well.
Why I felt emotionally bonded to him.
We strode through another log, and found ourselves in an odd area that looked like a natural labyrinth. Flowers grew in some areas, brightening it up.
“Want to explore?” Link asked me.
I smiled. “That’s what I came here to do.”
He grinned. “Race ya to the end of the maze.”
“Wait up-!” I shouted as he turned a corner, then I lost sight of him. “Link!” I ran after him, not taking the time to sheathe my sword.
Then I heard him scream.
“Link!” As soon as I turned the corner, I saw Link on the ground, his blue eyes glazed over, wide from shock. A thin stream of blood trickled from his mouth. A giant armored beast stood over him. The beast looked like a boar, like Gannon in the Hylian paintings I once saw. It raised it’s club over it’s head, aiming to crush Link.
“Arya…. Don’t..” Link moaned, closing his eyes.
“NO!!” I screamed, running towards the demon and ignoring Link. Time seemed to slow, and I pushed my legs faster, desperate to get there before the club came down on Link. Once within jumping distance, I leaped into the air and swung my sword, lodging it into the beast’s forehead.
The beast roared and flailed around with it’s arms as time sped back up. His club struck me on my side, and I felt a couple ribs snap. Pain overwhelmed me as I flew through the air and hit a wall of the labyrinth, hard. My vision blurred but I made out the silhouette of the beast as it ripped my sword out of it’s forehead and tossed it in my direction. It’s tip dug into the earth in front of me. Then the beat fell, dead.
In the reflective surface of my sword, I saw a girl with dulled green eyes and messy black hair. Blood was pooled around her on the ground. She coughed up more when she tried to take a deep breath. After a few seconds, the girl tried to get up with me, then fell with a cry of pain. I squeezed my eyes shut, and she vanished, along with the rest of the world.
“Yes, I found them.” A new voice, deep. “Believe me, it’s them.”
Then I plummeted into darkness, the sounds, smells, and pain vanishing.