JakoHun — Mechanical paper crafts?

#paper #papier_mache #handcraft #handcrafted #handmade #papercraft
Published: 2023-07-03 11:12:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 341; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description Sure, why not?

I recently talked about paper paste and how to use it, after that I was looking for molds in which to cast. All of a sudden, a colleague gave me a gift, it was a mechanical model of a train, although her child was trying to assemble and some of the REQUIRED parts were lost, however, I received something more important. I can just cast parts from plastic molds and use them for my own purposes. So far, I have no ideas what kind of figure to make using new features, but I'll think of something ^.=.^"

How to make paper paste itself (or papier maché)?

* You need thin paper (a lot), water-based glue, a small plastic container or jar (preferably with a lid).
* Shred the paper as finely as possible, at least 5x5 mm each piece. Pour into a container and fill with glue, depending on how much paper is cut, let it spread for a minute.
* Then stir until the paper becomes a homogeneous mass with glue and let this mixture infuse for a couple of hours in a closed container. In a fresh mixture, there should still be glue without pieces of paper, over time it will settle and soak into the paper, and we will use this mixture.
* In a closed container, it will be fresh for a long time, you can make it ahead of time with a margin. After the mixture is used up, open the container and let it dry, since this glue is not compatible with plastic, the remaining mixture can be easily cleaned, in extreme cases, under hot water and soap.
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