#black #blackdragon #dragon #lunar #rpg #altimer #iwakika #dandarpg #dragonblack #feathers #pantheon #dandyandy1989
Published: 2019-11-26 15:34:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 1334; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 2
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I Know she looks more Griffin..BUT IS A DRAGON!.
Nome/Name: Altmer
Universo/Universe: Danda
Status: Divindade superior de DuVrer /Superior deity of Duvrer
Panteão/Pantheon: Lunar
Especie/Species: Dragão/Dragon
Forma Alternativa/Alternative Form: Tarukir do povo Avenor/Tarukir from Avenor People
Altmer - Danda Universo (Humanoid )
Atlmer has the shape of an Avenor. She is small, her skin is pinkish and she has crow characteristics, like her back wings and tail with dark feathers. She also have great and sharp claws and a delicate beak. Her hair is long and black, always in elaborate hairstyles and accompanied by a silverish wing-shaped adorn with jade details.
Her iris is almost black and her eyes are always made up. Her clothes vary between elegant and elaborate to sensual and transparent ones.
Altmer, like the god of will Mansepyr, doesn't measure the consequences of her acts. Insists on exalt her power and influence among the people.
In search for the desire of creating her own race, spread a plague in Duvrer which caused destruction, death and corrupting souls, which led her to being isolated for some time.
Altmer's influence is mainly viewed among the Avenor people, which cosider her their matriarc, and in cults that glorify lust and desire for what belong to someone else. Many times, her cults are attached to the ones destined to the solar god Mansepyr.
Goddess on envy.
Incarnation of lust.
Creator of the Avenor plague, which after being controlled, gave birth to the Avenor people.
Enjoys her days amidst people and gods, satisfying her desires and luxuries.
Lunar Pantheon - Dragon:
- Alqued Dragon
- Altmer Dragon
- Darbaal Dragon
- Guirandov Dragon
- Ingrat Dragon
- Lautor Dragon
- Ludrix Dragon
- Shakah Dragon
- Udek Freen Dragon
- Zarror Dragon