IvieMoon — Butterfly Garden

#butterflies #flowers #lilacs #springtime #watercolor #springtimeflowers
Published: 2017-05-06 19:39:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 653; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 0
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Description Watercolor (with a touch of white acrylic for touch-ups) on Arches cold-pressed 140 lb paper, 11" x 15", May 2017.

My entry for watercolorists AquaChallenge fav.me/db5sq2k

This year the lilacs behind my house bloomed like crazy, and attracted butterflies I've never seen before. Clockwise from upper left: Common Buckeye, Two-Tailed Swallowtail, Red Admirals, Painted Lady, and the Variegated Fritillary. I think the Painted Lady is my favorite, though the Two-Tailed Swallowtail (which happens to be the state butterfly of Arizona) is a close second.
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