Published: 2013-08-03 01:46:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 782; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Chapter 2: Team BlackarachniaBumblebee,
You probably already know that I've been accepted by the Jumper Corps. I've been assigned to Team White Noise. It's been three orbital cycles since I've joined and I'm still alive, as you can probably tell from me sending you this message. The pilot, Erika Vasquez, is a bit strange. She's a human, but she can read, write, and even speak Cybertronian. She says it's because she has special vocals designed to do so, because her original vocals were damaged beyond any hope of future use in an accident of some sort. I think I will try to become her friend, like you did with that human boy back before the Event.
The medic, Quick Fix, is the only other Autobot on the team. He seems to be annoyed at me, but I don't know why. I wish he would use smaller words. Could someone please tell me what 'vacuous' means?
The team leader and her appointed second-in-command are both Decepticons. I think Breakdown may secretly be a nervous mech. He's always watching everybot on the team, especially Captain White Noise. That Decepticon is terrifying beyond all reason, as you can see in the image file I've attatched to this message. She doesn't talk much, especially after the ship has left the space docks. Her voice sounds damaged. She talks in short sentances, using as few words as possible. I wonder if it hurts when she talks?
I'm going on my first Jumper mission in a few megacycles. I'll send you another message when I can.
Your brother,
The gold and black Autobot signed his letter, having gotten up a half a megacycle earlier than usual so he would have time to write it. The wooshing sound of one of the doors to the refueling area of the ship opening nudged Goldbug's attention away from the data pad he was using to write a message to his brother. A loud yawn sounded, and none other than the resident human, Erika Vasquez, walked through the door. Goldbug's eyes widened in surprise and confusion, and he off-handedly noted that her short, dark brown hair was still damp and his scanners detected traces of the mild cleanser that the human used to clean herself. That was normal- he knew from the water-usage charts that she took a shower every morning. What confused him was her sate of complete nudity. Utterly nonplussed, she walked past her impromptu audience to the human-sized refueling station. She then proceeded to calmly pour herself a cup of synthesized coffee, grab a nutrient bar, and walk back through the door- presumably to return to her quarters. Glancing up at Breakdown, who hadn't reacted at all and was calmly sipping from a cube of energon, a wide-eyed Goldbug asked, "Is that normal?"
Wiping a bit of energon from the corner of his mouth with the back of his servo, Breakdown replied, "For Ricky, yeah, that's pretty normal."
"I had read that humans were uncomfortable going without their coverings." a confused Goldbug stated, sliding down from his chair to retrieve his own daily energon ration.
With a shrug, the large blue 'Con recalled, "'Cording to 'Fix, Ricky was left on the Autobot ship when she was three, and didn't see another human for ten stellar cycles. The way I figure it, it's prob'ly near impossible to instill nudity taboos in a kid who was basically raised by a species that doesn't need to wear clothes. She's only naked like this after a shower. I don't think anybot knows why humans get their plating in such a twist about it." Pausing to take a sip of his own energon, Breakdown mused, "I dunno- humans are weird."
Once the two remaining members of Jumper Team #12, AKA Team White Noise, had finished refueling, they headed straight for the bridge. Shortly after they arrived, so too did the now-clothed Erika. She had not put on her body armor, but she was wearing her flight suit and combat boots. White Noise and Quick Fix were already there, waiting for them. Quick Fix was always up early in case of medical emergencies. As for White Noise, well, Goldbug wasn't quite sure if the monstrous-looking Decepticon even recharged at all.
Everyone took there respective places, with Erika riding a device similar to a scissor-lift up to the the elevated seat where the ship's controls and navigation system were located. Goldbug took his own place at communications. He knew the routine.
It was barely more than a click after he sat down when a 'ping' sounded. He looked at the screen of his console, which indicated that they were being hailed by another Jumper ship. Turning to White Noise, Goldbug stated, "Captain, we're being hailed by Jumper Team #6."
"On screen." White Noise growled, her voice still as low and rough as ever.
Goldbug's servos quickly flew over his console, quickly responding to the communications request. The holographic viewscreen popped up, taking up most of the front of the bridge.
Taking up most of the screen was a purple, yellow, and silver femme that could only be described as 'cutesy'. In the most sickeningly sweet, high-pitched, bubbly voice Goldbug had ever heard, the femme piped up, "Hiya, Shark-Face!"
White Noise let out one of her now-familiar low, bestial growls. This one, however, sounded quite a bit more menacing. A deeper but still noticably feminine voice from off-screen spoke up, "Don't antagonize her, Thunderblast. If she doesn't kill you, I will- especially if you keep taking up the viewscreen!"
"Fine." Thunderblast pouted, panning out and revealing the rest of the crew. Piloting the ship was a grey, winged femme with a facemask. A tough-looking orange and black femme was sitting down, polishing a weapon and looking ready to kick the aft of anyone who looked at her funny. The fourth femme in the group had what was arguably the most pristinely maintained red paint job Goldbug had ever seen, and was probably the most attractive of the five femmes, even if she did kind of look like an elf. The fifth femme had an air of authority about her- she was probably the leader. She was mostly purple and black, with a black and gold helm through which you could see four glowing, red optics. She also appeared to have two gold-tipped black spider legs protruding from behind her shoulders. She was a beastformer- specifically, an Insecticon- Goldbug realized.
"Blackarachnia." White Noise rasped, acknowledging her with as few words as possible.
"White Noise." Blackarachnia replied cooly, "We both hate small talk, so I'll get straight to the spark of the matter. During our recent mission in Universe 7FA-2K9, our scanners detected a brief flare of a powerful and unusual energy signiature. An energy source this strong could be of intrest to him. Though my team is more suited scientifically for studying this, we are poorly equipped to deal with an attack from him or one of his investigative teams."
"I could take 'em." groused the orange femme.
The white-faced, shiny red femme let out a laugh and snarked, "Yes, I'm certain you'd be able to frighten them offline with your horrid paint job, Omar."
"Or, we could find out how I look after I rip out your spark chamber and wear it as a necklace, Knock Out!" Omar snarled
"SHUT UP!" Blackarachnia roared in an impressive display of that famed Insecticon temper. Bringing a servo to her face, she growled, "Dear Primus, why do I have to lead a crew of such infurating malfunctions? I swear, the only remotely normal one of you four is Nightbird, and she was built on Earth! By humans!"
After several threats of envenomation and/or death to the bulk of her crew, Blackarachnia had returned to the calm, professional state she was in prior to the minor verbal skirmish between Knock Out and Omar. Clearing her throat audibly, she continued the previous conversation. "Ahem. I'm sure you already know that this mission has already been cleared. You go investigate the energy source and, if neccessary, intervene to protect it from his forces. Make sure to collect detailed scans and send them to the Kickback so Knock Out and I can analyze them. Blackarachnia out."
The image disappeared and was replaced only by static. Goldbug quickly deactivated the holographic viewscreen and glanced over at White Noise. Her blood red visor and blue mask as unreadable as ever, the dark navy blue captain growled an order to the pilot. "Vasquez, dimension bridge. Universe 7FA-2K9."
"You got it, White Noise." Erika replied, following orders without a complaint.
As they neared the dimension bridge, the machine powered up and a swirling vortex appeared between the two massive prongs. "Cloaking device on." White Noise rasped.
The cloaking device was quickly engaged just in time for the Nameless to pass through the vortex and into Universe 7FA-2K9. Though the ship itself was invisible, the city below them could easily be seen on the viewscreen, which Goldbug had brought back up on White Noise's orders. In the corner of the screen, it read: 22ND CENTURY EARTH. LOCATION- DETROIT, MICHIGAN.
Before anything could get done, everybody needed to get an Earth vehicle mode. It was for this reason that Goldbug made his way stealthily through the city- well, he thought it was stealthy. In truth, it was nothing short of a miracle that no one had noticed the gold and black Autobot stumbling through the alleys, loudly humming the theme from Mission Impossible. As he turned a corner, he heard a young male voice arguing with an older one, apparently over an old, lime green car.
"Please, dad! You can't make me drive this thing! You can't!"
"Son, this car has been in our family since 1974! My daddy gave it to me as my first car, and his daddy gave it to him, and his daddy-"
"Dad. Dad. Have you even looked at this thing?"
"It's a family heirloom!"
"Dad, it's a Gremlin."
While the two humans were arguing, Goldbug took the time to quickly scan the vehicle in question. Transforming into vehicle mode, he sped off, driving past the two humans.
Gesturing towards the disappearing gold and black car, the older male shouted, "See, son? He's driving a Gremlin!"
Over lake Erie, Dave flew his Cessna 172 on what was supposed to be just another boring, safe, utterly mundane job. Suddenly, the photographer that he was taking over the lakes let out a loud shriek of alarm. Immediately, the 54-year-old pilot jumped slightly, and checked his equipment to see if something was wrong. He wasn't even done checking when the photographer screamed, "WE'RE BEING ATTACKED BY ALIENS! OH GOD, I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!"
"Cecil, we're not being attacked by aliens." Dave groaned, sick of the familiar passenger's paranoia. "If we were being attacked by aliens, there'd be lasers firing or something."
Suddenly, the entire jet was enveloped by a strange light. Simultaneously, Dave and Cecil both screamed, "ALIENS!!!!"
As quickly as the light had appeared, it was gone, with both humans completely unharmed. A red and white Cessna 172, almost identical to the one Dave was piloting, shot past them at a speed that the single-engine light aircraft would not normally be capable of. On its side, the two humans could see a red, mask-like symbol. "Oh." Cecil said, panting, "At least it's one of the good aliens!"
Rubbing his grey moustache, Dave then let out an annoyed sigh and grumbled, "I never had to deal with this alien robot shit back in Iowa..."
Elsewhere near Detroit, a pair of teenagers named Christy and Trevor were up where one could normally enjoy a lovely view of the city. Instead, they were in the bed of Trevor's father's restored 2011 Dodge Ram Power Wagon, which was currently equipped with off-road tires. What they were currently doing could be best described as 'necking'. Breaking away from their passionate kiss, Christy giggled, and asked, "Oh, god, Trevor- let's put on some music!"
"I think my dad left some of my grandpa's old CDs in the truck." replied the skinny teenage boy, standing up and opening what he called 'the thingie in the rear window' to crawl into the cab. "You like the retro stuff, right, Christy?"
"Yeah!" Christy replied, "what do you got?"
"Give me a minute!" Trevor called back, searching through the glove compartment for anything interesting, but not coming up with any removely familiar artists. He picked up one of the clear plastic CD cases and briefly scruitinized it. "Who the feck is Johnny Cash?" he mumbled before tossing it out the open window.
"Uh, Trevor?" Christy asked, sounding confused.
"What?" Trevor called back, not even bothering to look up.
"I think that plant I smoked is working, 'cuz there was this weird light just now, and I don't think that blue pickup truck was there a minute ago-"
"Christy, it's not really there. You're just stoned."
"Oh, okay." Christy giggled dreamily as she watched an arm transform out of the blue truck's side. The giant hand carefully grabbed the CD before transforming back into the side of the cab. When Ring of Fire began to play loudly, Trevor jumped in surprise, hitting his head accidentally. The confused teenage boy looked out the window just in time to see a driverless blue 2011 Dodge Ram Power Wagon drive away on off-road tires.
Several hours later, the team reunited in a discreet location. Breakdown and Goldbug were able to drive there quite easily, but the location in the woods was a difficult location for Quickfix to arrive because there wasn't enouch space to land as a Cessna 172. Instead, he transformed mid-air and landed on the ground in his bipedal form. Now, all they had to do was wait for their leader. After another hour of waiting, a swirling green vortex formed a few dozen yards away, and White Noise walked out of it. Judging from the cockpit in her chest and her wider wings, she had found her alt mode. "You're late." Quick Fix stated tersely.
"Suitable alt mode unavailible." rasped White Noise, "Side trip was required. Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II acquired as alt mode."
"Well, we're all here." Goldbug stated cheerfully, "What now, Captain?"
"Search for unique energy signature." the black and navy jet growled, "Goldbug, return to ship. Quick Fix, with me. Breakdown, with Vasquez."
A ground bridge was opened remotely, through which Goldbug returned to the ship. Erika activated her armor's holographic function, giving her armor the illusion of being a white T-shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of combat boots. Breakdown transformed into his vehicle mode and oppened one of his doors, allowing Erika to climb into the driver's seat so it would appear that they were just a normal pickup truck and driver. The two then drove away. Shortly afterwards, Quick Fix and White Noise took off and transformed. Two searching by land, two searching by air.