IchigoXXRukia — Purchases 5-31-14
Published: 2014-06-01 15:28:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 288; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0 Redirect to originalDescription
So yesterday was a really great day. First I went to the nearest Barnes and Noble and found the first volume of UQ Holder which I didn't even know was translated. It's kind of a sequel series to Negima which I loved. I also managed to find Sword Art Online all in one, I've watched the anime and thought it was OK from an entertainment standpoint but I'm hoping the manga will give the characters a bit more character. Next was Gamestop in a feat I thought impossible, I managed to find one new copy of Mario Kart 8 on my first try and with it I bought the Afterglow Pro controller which works very well.
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